First Step is NHF's program that welcomes families of infants and young children into the bleeding disorders community.
Learn more about First Step

Read a letter from a parent
View First Step Presentation


National Prevention Program

It's Time for a Cure

Project Red Flag

First Step


Order a First Step Binder
Find out how to order this useful resource guide for parents that includes brochures, childcare publications and bleeding disorders information.
Download Free Articles
The HemAware May/June 2002 issue featured a Special Parents Section. Important issues concerning the welfare of a child are presented in this special section. Download articles directly from the First Step Web site.
View the Newly Diagnosed Section
This online section contains information about treatment recommendations, child raising tips, psychosocial issues and so much more.
Locate a Camp Near You
NHF's online camp directory has information about camps across the U.S. for children with bleeding disorders and their families.
Contact Sonia Roger at (800) 42-HANDI ext. 3724 or

By getting involved, you will
Receive up-to-date educational resources
Interact with families with shared interests
Collaborate with chapters/associations and HTCs
Help increase participation in your local area

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