BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Doing Business in Japan

Japan is a vibrant, prosperous country, with the world’s second largest economy. Japanese consumers spend hundreds of billions of dollars on food, clothing, travel, entertainment and a wide variety of other consumer goods and services each year. The top Japanese firms are among the most efficient and best-run firms in the world. Unemployment, while high by historic Japanese standards, is around 5.4% -- lower than in most developed countries. The average Japanese household has over $100,000 in savings, and disposable income of $3,800 per month. Japan is the largest overseas market for U.S. exporters, with imports from the U.S. in excess of $51 billion in 2002.

Excerpts from Country Commercial Guide Japan, FY 2004

This comprehensive annual report looks at the Japanese commercial environment and features segments on economic and political trends and environment, marketing of U.S. products and services, trade regulations and customs information, investment climate and financing, trade statistics and in-country contacts, and more...

Industry Highlights

Summaries of market research reports on specific industry sectors, prepared by Commercial Service Japan offices, information on trade events and useful links for each industry are available here. more...

Public Comment Update

This periodic update, prepared by the Commercial Service Japan Compliance Unit, is a summary listing of selected Japanese Government documents recently released for public comment and is intended to alert U.S. companies to potentially significant new Japanese regulatory actions. more...

Doing Buisness