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Artist's conception of the SNS overlaid on the actual construction site in Oak Ridge, Tenn.
Click image for larger version.
The SNS is an accelerator-based neutron source being built in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. This one-of-a-kind facility will be completed in 2006 and will provide the most intense pulsed neutron beams in the world for scientific research and industrial development. The SNS is being built by a partnership of six DOE laboratories.

Although most people don't know it, neutron-scattering research has a lot to do with our everyday lives. For example, things like jets; credit cards; pocket calculators; compact discs, computer disks, and magnetic recording tapes; shatter-proof windshields; adjustable seats; and satellite weather information for forecasts have all been improved by neutron-scattering research. 

Neutron research also helps researchers improve materials used in high-temperature superconductors, powerful lightweight magnets, aluminum bridge decks, and stronger, lighter plastic products. 

To learn more about the SNS and why it's important—both for you and for the nation—follow the links below.

  The Importance of Neutron Science
  Properties of Neutrons
  Benefits of Neutron Science
  Spallation: What and Why
  The Spallation Source
  Baseline Design
  What Does This Mean to Me?

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The Spallation Neutron Source is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the US Department of Energy.
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