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Artist's conception of the SNS
Artist's conception of the SNS.

The SNS project is a partnership involving six DOE national laboratories (Argonne, Brookhaven, Jefferson, Lawrence Berkeley, Los Alamos, and Oak Ridge) in the design and construction of what will be the most powerful spallation source in the world for neutron-scattering R&D. The baseline calls for an accelerator system consisting of an ion source, full-energy linear accelerator (linac), and an accumulator ring that combine to produce short, powerful pulses of protons. These proton pulses impinge onto a mercury target to produce neutrons through the spallation nuclear reaction process. The SNS will deliver two million watts (2 MW) of beam power onto the target, and it has been designed with the flexibility to provide additional scientific output in the future. This approach is intended to provide a facility that will meet the neutron intensity needs of the science community many decades into the next century.

To learn more . . .

Argonne National Laboratory

Brookhaven National Laboratory
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

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