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A Day Made Of Glass: Corning's Stunning Glimpse Into The Future (VIDEO, PHOTOS)
. "Extinct and loving it!" as Gary Larsen said. It was like watching a sci fi flick and I knew I would... operation or Error this operation. Loading comments… Graham Ackerman 0 Fans 10:05 AM on 10/06/2011 The.... Graham_Ackerman: The only statement of value in this post is the History  | Permalink  | Share it... Ackerman 0 Fans 10:07 AM on 10/06/2011 Wealth is created through education, innovation and hardwork, not through handouts. Graham_Ackerman: Wealth is created through education, innovation and hardwork, not through  | Share it Graham Ackerman 0 Fans 10:07 AM on 10/06/2011 Ignorant comment! Graham_Ackerman... [text/html] (384237 bytes) - 2013-01-22 04:01:22

Lawmakers Urge Congress to Support Student Loan Tax Relief | Congressman George Miller
, Michael E. Capuano, John Conyers, Jr.,,Matt Salmon, Benjamin A. Gilman, Gary L. Ackerman, Richard E... [text/html] (48641 bytes) - 2012-12-17 18:10:17

Congressman Tim Bishop : Why We Need an Economic Rescue Plan
Congressman Tim Bishop : Why We Need an Economic Rescue Plan Subscribe View Past Mailings RSS Tweet Tweet Share on Tumblr October 3, 2008 Unsubscribe Update My Profile U.S. Congressman Tim Bishop, Representing the First District of New York Website | About Tim | Services | News & Media | In Congress | On Long Island | Contact Dear Friend, Many Long Islanders have been contacting me over the last few weeks about the financial rescue plan that Congress has been debating. I would like to share with you a bipartisan statement from all the members of Long Island's Congressional Delegation—Gary Ackerman, Peter King, Carolyn McCarthy, Steve Israel, and myself—regarding the passage today of H.R. 1424, Economic Rescue Plan and Tax Extender Package: It is rare, perhaps even unprecedented, that the... [text/html] (28807 bytes) - 2012-12-19 01:55:19

GlobalWarming.House.Gov | Media Center | Letters to the Administration
RUPPERSBERGER                GARY L. ACKERMAN Member of Congress                        Member of Congress... [text/html] (44143 bytes) - 2012-12-12 16:20:12

Will Democrats Flip-Flop & Vote for Speaker Pelosi's "Political Blackmail" Scheme on Trade? |
Trade Agreement include: Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-AL) Rep. Brian Baird (D-WA) Rep. John Barrow (D-GA... [text/html] (47210 bytes) - 2012-12-19 15:33:19

GlobalWarming.House.Gov | Media Center | Letters to the Administration
RUPPERSBERGER                GARY L. ACKERMAN Member of Congress                        Member of Congress... [text/html] (44143 bytes) - 2012-12-22 06:09:22

A Democratic Congress Will Benefit All New Yorkers | Congressman Gregory W. Meeks
City Democrats are poised to chair important subcommittees: Rep. Gary Ackerman would chair the Middle... [text/html] (49563 bytes) - 2012-12-29 05:14:29

Mayan Twinkies fiscal Cliff Meek Inherit End of World CEO Feast Homeless Charity | eBay
T. King, Carolyn McCarthy, Gary L. Ackerman, Gregory W. Meeks ,Joseph Crowley ,Jerrold Nadler... Lewis, Gary G. Miller, Joe Baca, Ken Calvert, Mary Bono Mack, Dana Rohrabacher, Loretta Sanchez, John... Sessions UTAH Gary Herbert, Orrin G Hatch, Mike Lee , Rob Bishop, Jim Matheson, Jason Chaffetz... [text/html] (320466 bytes) - 2012-12-23 23:05:23

H.R. 1182 | U.S. Congressman Pat Tiberi
, Mr. WEXLER, Ms. PELOSI, Mr. SMITH of Washington, and Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. H.R. 4446: Mr. GARY G.... BERMAN, Mr. ACKERMAN, Mr. MCNULTY, Mr. CLEMENT, and Mr. CANTOR. H. Con. Res. 358: Mr. TOWNS, Ms..., Mr. CAMP, Mr. TAUZIN, Mr. GARY G. MILLER of California, Mr. KELLER, Mrs. WILSON of New Mexico, Mr... [text/html] (21696 bytes) - 2012-12-12 17:46:12

Rep. Mike Thompson, House Members Urge Extension of 1603 Program To Create Clean Energy Jobs | U.S. Congressman Mike Thompson
. Hirono, Stephen F. Lynch, Michael H. Michaud, Brad Sherman, Diana Degette, John D. Dingell, Gary L. Ackerman, Rosa DeLauro, Anna G. Eshoo, Mark Critz, John F. Tierney, Pete Stark, Sam Farr, Adam B... [text/html] (24731 bytes) - 2012-12-12 08:33:12

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