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Search took 0.513 seconds. Hits 121-130 (out of about 94,697 total matching pages): News Article: Petraeus, Crocker Finish Marathon of Testimony
question. How do you fix it?” asked Rep. Gary Ackerman. “How do you know we've won?” Crocker fielded... [text/html] (40737 bytes) - 2012-12-17 19:42:17

106 Members of Congress Urge More Money \for Toxic Waste Cleanups | Congressman Frank Pallone
Strickland, Martin Meehan, Howard Berman, Edolphus Towns, Gary Ackerman, Stephen Lynch, Bart Stupak... [text/html] (64373 bytes) - 2012-12-20 07:09:20

U.S. Congressman Michael C. Burgess : 26th District Of Texas
Rep Ackerman, Gary L. [NY-5] - 10/7/2003 Rep Aderholt, Robert B. [AL-4] - 9/10/2003 Rep Akin, W. Todd... [text/html] (36996 bytes) - 2012-12-14 03:57:14

Senator Joseph Lieberman (CT) - Lieberman, Collins Examine Threat to the Homeland from Nuclear Terrorist Attack
of Government, Harvard University; and Gary Ackerman, National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism... [text/html] (38584 bytes) - 2012-12-12 15:34:12

Office of the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives Art & History - Official Alphabetical List of Members
Office of the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives Art & History - Official Alphabetical List of Members Skip to Content 112th Congress, 2nd Session Final Edition OFFICIAL ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the UNITED STATES ONE HUNDRED FIRST CONGRESS 1989-1991 Compiled by Donnald K. Anderson, Clerk of the House of Representatives Republicans in roman; Democrats in italic ; Independents underlined ; Resident Commissioner and Delegates in boldface . Ackerman, Gary L. , 7th NY Foreign Affairs. Post Office and Civil Service. Public Works and Transportation. Select Committee on Hunger. Alexander, Bill , 1st AR Appropriations. Anderson, Glenn M... Columbia. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Small Business. Condit, Gary , 15th CA... [text/html] (159223 bytes) - 2012-12-13 14:36:13

'Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell' Letter Sent to President Obama | Congressman Jim Moran
), John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI), Fortney “Pete” Stark (D-CA), Edward J. Markey (D-MA), Gary Ackerman (D-NY... [text/html] (50617 bytes) - 2012-12-15 21:11:15

Hillary, Dems Deep Ties To Crooked Law Firm | Sweetness & Light
Representatives Gary L. Ackerman, Carolyn McCarthy and Charles B. Rangel, all of New York, and Robert... [text/html] (37688 bytes) - 2012-12-12 03:19:12

Throw Them All Out: Peter Schweizer: 9780547573144: Books
Moran; Dick Durbin; Rahm Emanuel. Chapter 3 - Nancy Pelosi; Gary Ackerman. Chapter 4 - Dennis... [text/html] (297392 bytes) - 2013-01-22 07:21:22

Self help: try positive action, not positive thinking | Science | The Observer
. In one study Joshua Ackerman at the MIT Sloan School of Management had participants sit on either... agree with you, subtly nod your head as you chat with them. Research led by Gary Wells of Iowa State... [text/html] (131672 bytes) - 2013-01-24 15:15:24

The 66 brave Tea Party Republicans who voted against the debt ceiling increase last time back in August of 2011!!! « HaltingArkansasLiberalswithTruth
, Gary, Y; Nunes, N; Rohrabacher, Y; Royce, Y. COLORADO Democrats – DeGette, N; Perlmutter, Y; Polis... – Heinrich, Y; Lujan, N. Republicans – Pearce, N. NEW YORK Democrats – Ackerman, N; Bishop, Y; Clarke, N...; McClintock, N; McKeon, Y; Miller, Gary, Y; Nunes, N; Rohrabacher, N; Royce, Y. COLORADO Democrats... Democrats – Heinrich, Y; Lujan, Y. Republicans – Pearce, N. NEW YORK Democrats – Ackerman, Y; Bishop, Y... [text/html] (106021 bytes) - 2013-01-02 18:50:02

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