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India official demands rapists be executed - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English
Bleich Gary Ackerman's important goodbye Cliff Schecter Killing the messenger Murtaza Hussain... [text/html] (106120 bytes) - 2012-12-24 10:34:24

News Releases - Health Care - United States Senator Patty Murray
Shaheen             U.S. Representatives: Diana DeGette Louise McIntosh Slaughter Neil Abercrombie Gary Ackerman Tammy Baldwin Shelley Berkley Melissa Bean Howard Berman Robert Brady Lois Capps André Carson... [text/html] (14685 bytes) - 2013-01-10 09:46:10

Matsui Questions NSA Program Spying on American Urges investigation in letter
no later than January 31, 2006.   Sincerely,   Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) Gary Ackerman (D-NY) Brian Baird... [text/html] (43179 bytes) - 2012-12-13 00:14:13

Robert Menendez - US Senator for New Jersey: Newsroom
the GAO report: Representatives Howard Berman (D-CA) and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Gary Ackerman... [text/html] (36121 bytes) - 2012-12-15 00:00:15

House Oceans Caucus 112 th Congress DEMOCRATS Rep. Sam Farr, CA-17 Rep. Gary L. Ackerman, NY-5 Rep. Howard L. Berman, CA-28 Rep. Timothy H. Bishop, NY-1 Rep. Earl Blumenauer, OR-3 Rep. Madeleine Z. Bordallo, GU-Del Rep. Leonard L. Boswell, IA-3 Rep. Lois Capps, CA-23 Rep. Kathy Castor, FL-11 Rep. Ben Chandler, KY-06 Rep. Donna M. Christensen, VI-Del Rep. Steve Cohen, TN-9 Rep. Susan A. Davis, CA-53 Rep. Ted Deutch, FL-19 Rep. Norman D. Dicks, WA-6 Rep. Lloyd Doggett, TX-25 Rep. Anna G. Eshoo, CA-14 Rep. Eni F. H. Faleomavaega, AS-Del Rep. Gene Green, TX-29 Rep. Janice Hahn, CA-36 Rep. Colleen Hanabusa, HI-1 Rep. James R. Langevin, RI-2 Rep. Barbara Lee, CA-9 Rep. David Loebsack, IA-2 Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, NY-14 Rep. Edward J. Markey, MA-7 Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, NY-4 Rep. James P... [application/pdf] (98900 bytes) - 2012-12-11 22:13:11
Caucus Gary Ackerman (D-NY) Rob Andrews (D-NJ) Earl Bluemenauer (D-OR) Sherwod Boehlert (R-NY) David... [text/html] (6032 bytes) - 2012-12-16 08:30:16

Representative Joe Courtney (D-Connecticut, 2nd) Earmarks Requested - LegiStorm
President * Rep. Gary Ackerman ( -NY) Rep. Tim Bishop ( -NY) Rep. Rosa DeLauro ( -CT) ...more New York 2010...,%202nd)%20Earmarks%20Requested%20-%20LegiStorm.html [text/html] (86859 bytes) - 2012-12-12 14:14:12

Summit County Citizens Voice
deliver a nuclear warhead. Blogroll Colorado MoJo From the Styx Gary Lindstrom Gypsy Journalist JH... preyed on one rancher’s calves. Laura Ackerman and Paul Lindholdt Denver Post News High-speed rail... [text/html] (101624 bytes) - 2012-12-12 03:58:12

Co-Sponsors: H.Res. 690, Creating a Select Committee on Prison Abuses
Rep. James L. Oberstar Rep. Gerald D. Kleczka Rep. Howard L. Berman Rep. Edward J. Markey Rep. Gary L. Ackerman Rep. Barney Frank Rep. Tammy Baldwin Rep. Diane E. Watson Rep. Juanita Millender-McDonald... [application/pdf] (62304 bytes) - 2012-12-15 06:25:15

Autism Caucus Membership | Congressman Mike Doyle
» Legislative Work » Issues » Autism Caucus Autism Caucus Membership 131 Members Ackerman, Gary (NY... [text/html] (45720 bytes) - 2012-12-14 08:38:14

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