Health Care

Health Care

JUNE 28, 2010

-As the White House continues to try and sell ObamaCare to the American people, it's clear the American people have a problem with the Administration's policy, not its message.

-ObamaCare costs too much. For the self-employed, small business workers, early retirees, and millions of other families who buy their own policy, the cost of their health insurance will be $2,100 more because of ObamaCare.

-ObamaCare's mandates and regulations are driving insurance companies out of the market. Some companies are leaving the individual market, while one will cancel all its policies by 12/31/10.

-ObamaCare is a small business job killer through new fees and taxes. The National Federation of Independent Business has joined 20 states in a lawsuit to have ObamaCare invalidated. NFIB says, "...our members urged us to do everything in our power to stop this unconstitutional law."

-Democrats promised to lower health care costs but ObamaCare fails to do so. CBO says ObamaCare will cost the government $115 billion more than the original estimates, while the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service (CMS) say the country will spend $311 billion more on health care under the new law than we would have without it.

-ObamaCare will harm seniors. Fifty percent of seniors in Medicare Advantage will lose their coverage, according to CMS, while many face drastic cuts in their Medicare Advantage benefits. More than 90 percent of Medicare beneficiaries will NOT receive a prescription drug rebate check.