Congressman Bill Cassidy

Representing the 6th District of LOUISIANA

Cassidy Opposes Senate Budget

Mar 20, 2013
Press Release
Mar 20, 2013

BATON ROUGE – Today, Congressman Bill Cassidy released the following statement in opposition to the Senate Democrat budget: 

“The Senate Democrat budget is not what this nation needs right now. The Senate budget offers $7.3 trillion in new debt in 10 years, $1.5 trillion in new taxes while cutting $275 billion from health care without addressing reform to ensure our seniors are protected. In Louisiana, hardworking families can expect to pay $2,200 more each year if this budget become law and thousands of jobs will be lost. I encourage the Senate to stand up for Louisiana families and oppose this budget.”

Click HERE and HERE for more information on the negative impacts of Senate Democrat budget.