Rep. Crist Speaks With Local Small Business Owners.

One of my top priorities in Washington is finding common ground to move our nation – and economy – forward. Key to that is expanding access to capital for our small businesses, especially women- and minority-owned businesses right here in Pinellas County. Small businesses are the heart of our Pinellas economy – revitalizing neighborhoods, creating good-paying jobs, and strengthening our middle class. In Congress, I’m fighting for common-sense tax reform, regulation relief, and programs that put Main Street and the middle class first.

Here at home, our office is dedicated to connecting area businesses with resources that can help the entrepreneur get their start-up off the ground and expand the family business. From connecting entrepreneurs with lenders, to helping business owners cut through bureaucratic red tape, we are here to provide our small businesses with resources that will help them, our economy, and our community, thrive.  

Please find below helpful information and resources for our small business community. Need further assistance? Don’t hesitate to call our office at (727) 318-6770. We’re here to help!  

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