Congressman Michael McCaul

Representing the 10th District of Texas


Border Security

As Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, it is my duty to oversee the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and ensure that America’s borders are secure.


Sustaining economic growth continues to be one of our nation's primary challenges.  That is why I support pro-growth economic policies that foster innovation and job creation.  My plan rejects the big government cycle of “tax, spend and borrow” that discourages prosperity and economic growth.


Since coming to Congress, I have been an ardent supporter of energy policies that reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil and expand domestic production of economically viable sources of energy.

Foreign Affairs

American leadership on the global stage is critical. As a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I am responsible for oversight of State Department policy and promoting a responsible legislative agenda that bolsters international engagement with our allies, counters the aggressive policies of our adversaries, and advances the common interests of nations in defense of stability and democracy around the globe.

Health Care

Health care reform must ensure that quality coverage is affordable and accessible for every American, regardless of income or pre-existing conditions.

High Tech

Shortly after I was first elected to the United States House, I formed the Congressional High Tech Caucus. Our goal is to find ways to keep America’s tech sector strong and provide our domestic industry with the support it needs to remain on the cutting edge.

Homeland Security

As Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee my top priorities are to address the al Qaeda-Hezbollah terrorist threat, border security, cyber security and fixing the Department of Homeland Security to ensure it is capable of carrying out its core mission of protecting the homeland. In addition, I am working to make the nation’s airport security system smarter and more efficient.


As the proud son of a WWII B-17 bombardier, I am inspired and awestruck by the service of our men and women in uniform.  These brave patriots who defend our Constitution, values, and freedoms deserve the very best in healthcare, education, and financial assistance.