Whole Farm Systems

Farmland scene. (Copyright IStock)Are you looking for a complete management system? Information about managing your land to balance natural resources, agricultural operations, profits and public responsibilities.

Livestock and Poultry Environmental Stewardship Project.

An online training module to help producers "recognize the importance of balancing nutrient inputs and managed outputs for a livestock operation, identify potential indicators of a "whole farm" nutrient imbalance within the producer's own operation, and be aware of fundamental strategies for addressing a whole farm nutrient imbalance."

National Center for Appropriate Technology. ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service.

Introduces the holistic management concept including processes, financial planning, landscape, tools, testing and monitoring decisions, and additional resources for more information.

Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association.

An article that lists additional online resources for whole farm planning. Some topics covered further include assessments, identifying key issues, goal setting, action plans and monitoring.

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Virginia Beginning Farmer and Rancher Coalition Project.

A basic overview of whole farm planning, online and face-to-face educational opportunities, and additional resources