CDC Social Media Tools

Sample Widgets, Buttons and Badges

Why Social Media?

CDC uses social media to provide users with access to credible, science-based health information when, where, and how you want it. A variety of social media tools are used to reinforce and personalize messages, reach new audiences, and build a communication infrastructure based on open information exchange.

View CDC’s Social Media Public Comment Policy



Facebook is a popular free social networking website that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues.

CDC Facebook | All CDC Facebook Accounts



Twitter is an online micro-blogging and social networking Web site that is used to provide information, commentary and descriptions of events and highlight certain content.

CDC Twitter | All CDC Twitter Accounts



LinkedIn is a professional network to connect with public health professionals and partners.

CDC LinkedIn | All CDC LinkedIn Profiles


Social_round_instagram IG

Instagram is a fun and quirky way to share your life with friends through a series of pictures.

CDC Instagram | All CDC Instagram Accounts

Digital Media Options

Chat_01 chat_01 Blogs
Read a CDC blog on a topic ranging from occupational health to HIV prevention and control.

Device_05 device_05 Mobile
Stay informed on the go with health and safety information designed for your mobile device.

Social_round_syndicate syndication Public Health Media Library
Partners can use CDC’s content syndication technology to display fresh web content on the partner’s web pages.

Video_02 video_02 Online Video
Watch one of CDC’s online videos to engage with CDC content in a fun, visual and interactive way.

Email_02 email_02 Email Updates
Get email updates when CDC refreshes the content on web pages.

Audio_02 audio_02 Podcasts
CDC produces podcasts to provide health information in a portable format.

Photo_04 photo_04 Image Sharing
Share public health images provided on one of CDC’s photo sharing spaces.

Tools_04 tools_04 Widgets
Add a CDC widget to your Web page or blog to stay informed with up-to-date, credible health and safety content.

Social_round_syndicate syndication RSS
Stay updated by subscribing to one of many RSS feeds.

Page last reviewed: December 14, 2016