Infographic: Be Ready! Hurricanes

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be ready hurricanes infographic

Be Ready! Hurricanes

  • Before
    • Cover windows with storm shutters or plywood.
    • Tune in for local information.
    • Know how to turn off your gas, electricity, and water in case you need to evacuate.
    • Secure outdoor items by moving them to the garage.
    • Make an emergency kit.
    • Designate a shelter area if you can’t evacuate. Rooms without windows are best.
  • After
    • If your home has damage, do not reenter until it has been examined by a building inspector for safety.
    • Prevent mold growth; by airing out rooms and disinfecting.
    • Tap water may not be safe to drink. Listen to local warnings. More information
    • Throw away food that may be unsafe. More information
    • Prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Use generators, stoves, and grills outside and away from windows and doors.
Page last reviewed: December 21, 2020, 09:50 AM