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We have a responsibility to care for the women and men who have served our nation in the armed forces. The people who swear an oath to defend our country do the work and make the sacrifices that keep us safe. It is their government’s duty to care for them as they transition to civilian life or if they are struggling with a visible or invisible fight.

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers a range of services and benefits for military veterans and eligible dependents who meet certain criteria. These benefits include medical care, disability compensation and pensions, education, vocational rehabilitation assistance to homeless veterans, administration of life insurance and traumatic injury protection insurance, and death benefits that cover burial expenses.

For more information on these and all other benefits offered by the Department, you can visit

Legislative Work

I take my responsibility to our veterans seriously. That is why I have co-sponsored:

  • H.R. 299,the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act, to extend presumption of service and exposure to Agent Orange for veterans who served in the waters off Vietnam. This bill was passed by the House and Senate and signed into law by the President on June 25, 2019.
  • H.R. 186, the Veterans Jobs Opportunity Act, to provide tax credits for military veterans who open a small business in underserved communities.
  • H.R. 663, the Burn Pit Accountability Act, to direct the Department of Defense to evaluate whether servicemembers were exposed to toxic chemicals used in burn pits.
  • H.R. 3867, the Violence Against Women Veterans Act, to direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to improve the services and benefits that the Department offers to veterans who experience domestic violence or sexual assault.

Help for Constituent Servicemembers

I have long supported our military veterans and often meet with organizations representing former servicemembers from New Jersey.  My office is always ready to assist constituents with any questions about, or requests for, assistance with the Department of Veterans Affairs. If you or someone you know wants to contact my office with questions about casework with the VA, please click here. I was honored to receive a 2019 Legislator of the Year Award from the New Jersey Veterans of Foreign Wars for my work on behalf of our servicemembers.

More on Veterans

May 20, 2022

This week, the House of Representatives took several important votes to address fuel price gouging, domestic terrorism, the infant formula shortage crisis, the needs of veterans, and support for law enforcement and public safety officers. I also joined letters to urge the administration provide Temporary Protected Status to Central American countries and to ensure greater food security in Haiti. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) also announced that New Jersey will receive $221 million for important water infrastructure projects.

Mar 4, 2022

This week, the House of Representatives passed several pieces of legislation to address the impact of toxic exposure on veterans, classify lynching as a hate crime, and honor women who contributed to World War II. I also joined my colleagues on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee in a markup to consider several pieces of legislation. I joined legislation to protect the New Jersey watershed and signed onto letters to improve the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Contact Center and broaden access to birth control.

Jan 21, 2022

This week, my colleagues and I in the House of Representatives continued to call for the Senate to move forward important voting rights legislation. We also passed multiple pieces of legislation which support schools and assist veterans in enrolling for health benefits. In addition, I held a hearing on the promising alliance for democracy and economic development between Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, and Panama.

Jan 18, 2022

Last week, I joined my colleagues in the House of Representatives in passing the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act to protect voting rights and address threats to our election system, as well as a bill to ensure parity among members of the Armed Serves for their benefits. I also cosponsored legislation to allow Medicare to cover treatments for obesity, and signed onto letters to ask the White House to investigate nursing staffing agencies engaging in price gouging and create a permanent standard for healthcare workers during the pandemic.

Nov 9, 2021

Last week, I joined my colleagues in passing the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, a historic investment that will help make necessary improvements to our nation’s roads, highways, and bridges, invest in climate sustainable infrastructure, and create millions of jobs. The House passed additional legislation including my bills to protect democracy in Nicaragua and show solidarity with the democratic movement in Cuba.

Oct 29, 2021

This week, I joined my colleagues in passing an extension of surface transportation funding, as well as legislation to support the mental health and families of first responders, improve domestic violence prevention and victim support programs, and improve international financial standards and domestic financial organization transparency.

Oct 22, 2021

This week, I joined my colleagues in the House of Representatives in a vote to hold Stephen Bannon in contempt of Congress for failing to answer a subpoena from the January 6th Select Committee. I also joined my colleagues in passing several pieces of legislation to improve cyber security and telecom competitiveness, empower working mothers, increase the efficiency of pharmaceutical production, address substance abuse, and support veterans’ ability to visit war memorials.

Oct 19, 2021

Last week, I joined my Democratic colleagues in the House of Representatives in a vote to extend the debt ceiling and avoid economic catastrophe. I cosponsored multiple pieces of legislation to allow veterans to seek compensation for health issues associated with Camp Lejeune and to assure the rights of firefighters and emergency medical services (EMS) personnel to join a union. I also joined a letter urging Secretary of State Blinken to put additional pressure on Guatemala to uphold the rule of law and prevent democratic backsliding.

Sep 27, 2021

Last week, the House took several important votes to provide much needed emergency aid to those impacted by Hurricane Ida, extend federal funding through December 3 to prevent a shutdown, provide resources to assist the relocation of Afghan refugees, authorize additional funding for Israel’s Iron Dome defense system, authorize funding for the Department of Defense (DoD) for fiscal year 2022, guarantee women’s abortion rights, and provide support to members of the foreign services experiencing Havana Syndrome.

Aug 6, 2021

This week, I wrote an op-ed calling for more Americans to get vaccinated against COVID-19. I also cosponsored several important pieces of legislation to support the resiliency of coastal ecosystems, encourage students to study STEM, remove taxes on diapers, research the effects of technology on the cognitive development of children, reduce noise pollution from airports, continue to provide expanded access to mammograms, and support veterans who were discharged due to their sexual orientation.
