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U.S. Government information

  • News

  • Websites

  • Documents

  • Additional information
  • News

  • Websites

  • Documents

  • U.S. Government Information


  • Oct. 08: Although no WMD found, Saddam had intent, capability, Powell says
  • Oct. 07: Bush says Iraq action justified even without WMD discovery
  • Oct. 07: No dollar goals set for Iraq donors' conference, Powell says
  • Oct. 06: Chief U.S. inspector says Hussein sought to break sanctions
  • Oct. 04: Rice maintains coalition forces were right to make war on Iraq
  • Sept. 30: Powell, Jordan's Muasher discuss security, elections in Iraq
  • Sept. 28: Full, free, fair elections in Iraq are U.S. goal, Powell says
  • Sept. 27: U.S. grants $10 million to support Iraqi women's electoral vote
  • Sept. 24: Shifts in Iraq funding designed to address immediate priorities
  • Sept. 23: NATO agrees to expand training mission in Iraq
  • Sept. 21: Powell says insurgency in Iraq must be defeated
  • Sept. 21: Bush urges U.N. to support Iraq, Afghanistan, fight terrorism
  • Sept. 17: Powell says Iraq invasion based on international law
  • Sept. 17: Powell says he expects Iraq security situation to improve
  • Sept. 16: White House report: Iraq
  • Sept. 15: State's Armitage says Iraqi judges vital to Iraq's democracy
  • Sept. 13: Defense Dept. report: prison abuse investigations
  • Sept. 13: Success in Iraq lies ahead, but timing uncertain, Rumsfeld says
  • Sept. 09: Ghost detainee issue examined
  • Sept. 08: Powell calls for perseverance in Iraq despite military losses
  • Sept. 08: United States grants thousands of Iraqi products duty-free status
  • Sept. 02: U.S. condemns slaying of Nepalese workers in Iraq

  • TOP

    USG websites

  • Background note
  • Consular information sheet
  • Country study (Library of Congress)
  • Embassy of the United States in Baghdad
  • Exporting to Iraq: useful links
  • Iraq (CIA Factbook)
  • Iraq (Dept. of State)
  • Iraq (Library of Congress)
  • Iraq country analysis brief
  • Iraq: economy
  • Iraq: essential services
  • Iraq: governance
  • Iraq Investment & Reconstruction Task Force
  • Iraq: photo gallery
  • Iraq: security
  • Iraq Update
  • List of Coalition forces
  • New Iraq: photo gallery
  • New Iraq: progress & accomplishments
  • Renewal in Iraq
  • Transfer of sovereignty: photo gallery
  • Travel warning
  • U.S. military commissions & tribunals
  • U.S. Treasury Executive Office for Terrorist Financing & Financial Crime: Iraq
  • USAID Assistance for Iraq
  • United States Central Command

  • TOP

    USG documents

  • Coalition Provisional Authority & democracy building in Iraq (March 2004)
  • Coalition Provisional Authority: origin, characteristics, & institutional authorities (April 2004)
  • Duty to the future: free Iraqis plan for a new Iraq
  • Final report of the Independent Panel to review DoD detention operations (Schlesinger report Aug. 2004)
  • Investigation of intelligence activities at Abu Ghraib (Fay report Aug. 2004)
  • Iraq: a population silenced
  • Iraq: from fear to freedom
  • Iraq: next steps: what will an Iraq five-year plan look like?: testimony of L. Paul Bremer before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (24 Sept. 2003)
  • Iraq: summary of U.S. casualties (Oct. 2003)
  • Iraq: U.N. inspections for weapons of mass destruction (Oct. 2003)
  • Iraq: U.S. military operations (Oct. 2003)
  • Iraq: U.S. regime change efforts & post-Saddam governance (Nov. 2003)
  • Iraq's voices for freedom
  • Lawfulness of interrogation techniques under the Geneva Conventions (Sept. 2004)
  • Mass graves: Iraq's legacy of terror (Jan. 2004)
  • Report on the U.S. intelligence community's prewar intelligence assessments on Iraq (July 2004)
  • Report on the U.S. intelligence community's prewar intelligence assessments on Iraq: conclusions (July 2004)
  • Statement by David Kay on the interim progress report on the activities of the Iraq survey group (ISG) before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Defense, & the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (02 Oct. 2003)
  • USAID: a year in Iraq (July 2004)
  • U.S. treatment of prisoners in Iraq: selected legal issues (May 2004)

  • TOP

    Additional Information


  • Aug. 31: Iraqi addresses Republican convention about new freedom in Iraq
  • Aug. 12: U.N. extends Iraq mission until August 2005
  • June 29: United Nations hails Iraqi power transfer
  • June 28: NATO agrees to train Iraqi security forces

  • TOP


  • Coalition Provisional Authority
  • Focus on Iraq (U.S. Institute of Peace)
  • Government views of Iraq (City College of New York)
  • Iraq (Cato Institute)
  • Iraq (United Nations News Centre)
  • Iraq: after Saddam (ABC Australia)
  • Iraq briefing book (Center for Strategic & International Studies)
  • Iraq index: tracking reconstruction & security in post-Saddam Iraq
    (Brookings Institution Saban Center for Middle East Policy)
  • Iraq resource center (Council on Foreign Relations)
  • Iraq: selected research & commentary (Rand Corporation)
  • Iraq war news & media coverage: directory of online resources
  • Iraqi press monitor
  • List of non-U.S. forces in Iraq (Global Security)
  • News about Iraq (Voice of America)
  • Reconstructing Iraq (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)
  • War on terrorism: post-Saddam Iraq
  • War on terrorism: Saddam Hussein & Iraq
  • WMD in Iraq: CNN special report
  • Yahoo news: Iraq

  • TOP


  • Australian inquiry into intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction
    (March 2004)
  • Avoiding the dangers of early elections in Iraq (Oct. 2003)
  • Building the Iraqi Special Tribunal (June 2004)
  • Capturing Iraqi voices (July 2004)
  • Conflict termination in the Iraqi War (April 2004)
  • Donor activities and civil society potential in Iraq (July 2004)
  • Economic policy and prospects in Iraq: public policy discussion paper (May 2004)
  • Insurgency & counterinsurgency in Iraq (June 2004)
  • Iraq & asymmetric warfare: the U.S. vs. FRL/Islamist duel (Dec. 2003)
  • Iraq: building a new security structure (Dec. 2003)
  • Iraq: interim constitution (March 2004)
  • Iraq: one year after (March 2004)
  • Iraq pipeline watch
  • Iraq: policy documents
  • Iraq's constitutional challenge (Nov. 2003)
  • Iraq's Kurds: toward an historic compromise? (April 2004)
  • Iraq's transition: on a knife edge (April 2004)
  • Liberated and occupied Iraq: new beginnings and challenges for press freedom
  • Middle Eastern energy after the Iraq war: current & projected trends (Jan. 2004)
  • One year on: nation building in Iraq (March 2004)
  • Postconflict Iraq: a race for stability, reconstruction & legitimacy (May 2004)
  • Possible suspects & motives for the suicide bombings in Iraq (March 2004)
  • Progress or peril? measuring Iraq's reconstruction progress (Sept. 2004)Reconstructing Iraq (Sept. 2004)
  • Standoff with Iraqi Shiites over direct elections (Feb. 2004)
  • Turbulent transition in Iraq: can it succeed? (June 2004)
  • United Nations/World Bank joint Iraq needs assessment (Oct. 2003)
  • Windfalls of war: U.S. contractors in Iraq & Afghanistan (Oct. 2003)
  • WMD in Iraq: evidence & implications (Jan. 2004)
  • Year after Iraq war: mistrust of America in Europe ever higher (March 2004)

  • TOP

    Last update 12 October 2004

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