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Published Calibration and Measurement Capabilities

The ICDB now provides for customizable downloading of published calibration and measurement capabilities documents. Click on one of the links below to select either a specific metrology area, or all of the metrology areas available. Metrology areas that are not highlighted as links do not currently have any published documents. After selecting one or all of the metrology areas, you will have the opportunity to select the countries for which you would like documents.

Documents updated in the past 30 days

Click on the country name below to download the changed document in pdf format. (You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the file.)

  • Acoustics, Ultrasound & Vibration:  Poland (Tuesday, October 05, 2004)
  • Acoustics, Ultrasound & Vibration:  The Netherlands (Tuesday, October 05, 2004)
  • Acoustics, Ultrasound & Vibration:  United Kingdom (Tuesday, October 05, 2004)
  • Photometry & Radiometry:  China (Wednesday, September 29, 2004)
  • Photometry & Radiometry:  Chinese Taipei (Tuesday, October 05, 2004)
  • Photometry & Radiometry:  Japan (Tuesday, October 05, 2004)
  • Photometry & Radiometry:  Malaysia (Tuesday, October 05, 2004)
  • Photometry & Radiometry:  New Zealand (Tuesday, October 05, 2004)
  • Photometry & Radiometry:  Republic Of Korea (Tuesday, October 05, 2004)
  • Photometry & Radiometry:  Singapore (Tuesday, October 05, 2004)

If you have any questions or comments, please send email to

Web Page last modified: Wednesday, July 07, 2004
Web Page created: Wednesday, June 20, 2001