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Interview with a Peace Corps Dad
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Life is calling. How far will you go?
Family and Friends
Whenhen prospective Volunteers share their plans to apply to the Peace Corps, their family and friends often react with enthusiasm, support—even admiration. Parents, siblings, and friends are thrilled to see their loved ones follow their dreams. Sometimes, however, people who want to join the Peace Corps encounter reactions of caution or outright opposition. It's easy to understand why.
The Peace Corps is a challenging opportunity that offers Americans of every background enormous rewards. Should someone you know want to become a Peace Corps Volunteer, rest assured that his or her life will be immeasurably enriched—and so will yours.
The following information addresses the common concerns shared by many family members and friends of prospective or current Peace Corps Volunteers.
 Language skills, educational, career benefits, and more rewards that will last a lifetime for your Volunteer. 
 Information about health risks overseas and access to quality medical care. 
 Personal safety and crime prevention during service and ways Peace Corps helps protect Volunteers. 
 Staying in Touch
 Communicating with your Volunteer and visiting him or her overseas. 
 After the Peace Corps
 Peace Corps Returned Volunteer services, plus opportunities for careers, networking, and community involvement. 
 Interview with a Peace Corps Dad
 Courtesy of NBC 10 in Philadelphia, we're able to provide this interview with Mike Lyons, a Peace Corps Dad returned from an eye-opening visit with his daughter Aimee in her small village in Togo, West Africa.  
Peace Corps and Safety
Gaddi Vasquez
Director Gaddi Vasquez talks about Peace Corps' number one priority -- the safety and security of every Peace Corps Volunteer.

Interview with a Peace Corps Dad
Courtesy of NBC 10 in Philadelphia, we're able to provide this interview with Mike Lyons, a Peace Corps Dad returned from an eye-opening visit with his daughter Aimee in her small village in Togo, West Africa.

Click here to view the interview with a Peace Corps Dad.
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