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Sample Products

This web page provides a selection of Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) sample products representing all of the formats and product types currently available to the public from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation System (EROS) Data Center (EDC). All of the sample data below were processed in January 2004. Please note these sample data are provided via FTP/HTTP download only.

For ETM+ product information, see ETM+ Product Information.

SLC-on Data Products

Single Scene Product

The sample data below consists of a single Worldwide Reference System 2 (WRS-2) scene (path 39, row 37, acquired 3/25/03) provided in a variety of formats and levels of correction. This sample scene was acquired in SLC-on mode, and will be representative of any standard single-scene data product with an acquisition date prior to May 31, 2003.

Product Format Download
Level 0Rp HDF ftp | gzip (295.81 MB)
Level 1R HDF ftp | gzip (368.08 MB)
Level 1G HDF ftp | gzip (271.36 MB)
GeoTiff ftp | gzip (271.52 MB)
Fast-L7A ftp | gzip (133.58 MB)
NDF ftp | gzip (261.52 MB)

Floating Scene (Multi-Scene) Product

The sample data below consists of a floating scene (path 39, rows 37-38, acquired 3/25/03) provided in a variety of formats and levels of correction. This sample scene was acquired in SLC-on mode, and will be representative of all standard Landsat 7 data products with an acquisition date prior to May 31, 2003.

Product Format Download
Level 0Rp HDF ftp | gzip (262.62 MB)
Level 1R HDT ftp | gzip (249.04 MB)
Level 1G NDF ftp | gzip (286.02 MB)
FAST ftp | gzip (386.30 MB)
HDF ftp | gzip (249.04 MB)
GeoTiff ftp | gzip (248.58 MB)

SLC-off Data Products

The sample data below consists of a single scene (path 39, row 37, acquired 9/17/03) provided in a variety of formats and levels of correction. These samples also include several different levels of scan gap interpolation for two different resampling methods. The scene below was acquired in SLC-off mode, and will be representative of data acquired after July 14, 2003.

Product Format Interpolation Download
Level 0Rp HDF N/A ftp | gzip (279.46 MB)
Level 1R HDF N/A ftp | gzip (202.05 MB)
Level 1G Fast-L7A 2 pixel (NN) ftp | gzip (237.98 MB)
2 pixel (CC) ftp | gzip (221.62 MB)
7 pixel (NN) ftp | gzip (163.53 MB)
7 pixel (CC) ftp | gzip (233.75 MB)
15 pixel (NN) ftp | gzip (278.36 MB)
15 pixel (CC) ftp | gzip (242.56 MB)

SLC-off Gap-filled Products

Phase 1

The sample data below consists of two different samples of the future Landsat 7 ETM+ SLC-off gap-filled product. Both scenes were generated by replacing all missing image pixels in the original SLC-off image with estimated values derived from a coregistered, histogram-matched SLC-on scene. The final data product consists of a single gap-filled scene in addition to a gap mask (one file per band).

Note: These gap-filled sample products are prototype products that were generated during product testing and development. Some details (e.g. format, header files, etc.) may differ slightly from the final USGS output product.

Product Format Download
SW Montana HDF ftp | gzip (293.73 MB)
Salton Sea HDF ftp | gzip (278.90 MB)

Phase 2

Product Format Download
Lake Tahoe HDF ftp | gzip (287.41 MB)
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