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U.S. Embassy, Budapest


In this section you can find relevant pieces of information on conferences, events, adn other on-going and future activities.

Click for
Upcoming Conferences -- Recent Conferences -- Other Events

Upcoming Conferences
In Hungary
In the Region

Upcoming Conferences in Hungary

IATEFL Hungary logo; 74x38, image size: 4.2 KB
IATEFL-Hungary's Annual Conference
October 1-3, 2004
More info

The fifth AEA-Europe Conference
Association for Educational Assessment - Europe Conference
November 4-6 2004
Budapest, Hungary
More information at http://www.aea-europe.net/page-141.html
HAAS banner, 150x30, image size: 2.1 KB
2004 Biennial HAAS Conference
of the Hungarian Association for American Studies

November 26-27, 2004
Budapest, Hungary
More information at http://primus.arts.u-szeged.hu/american/haas/
2005 HUSSE Conference

January 27-29, 2005
Veszprém, Hungary

Download Preliminary Conference Info
Download Conference Registration Form
Download Speaker's Proposal Form
Download Exhibitors' Information

Upcoming Conferences in the Region

3rd International ELTAM-IATEFL Conference
Organized by
English Language Teachers' Association in Mecedonia

16-17 October, 2004
Metropol Hotel, Ohrid, Macedonia
Download Conference Announcement
Download Conference Schedule
Download Joint Speaker Proposal and Registration Form
For more information contact Ms. Miroslava Pavlova at

4th International RATE Conference
The annual conference organized by the Romanian Association of Teachers of English
October 22-24, 2004
Bucharest, Romania
Download Conference Announcement
Download Registration Form
Contact Cristiana Faur: faur@yahoo.com
Submissions Deadline: July 15, 2004


International Conference to Mark the 75th Anniversary of the English Department at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade
December 10-12, 2004
Faculty of Philology, Belgrade
Download Registration Form
Conference Website

Upcoming Conferences at Other Places

TESOL banner, 600x80, image size: 16 KB

The Thirty-Ninth Annual Convention and Exhibit of

March 30-April 2, 2005
San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.

More details at http://www.tesol.org/tesol2005/cfp.html

AILA logo, 219x97, image size: 7 KB

"The Future is Now"
The 14th World Congress of Applied Linguistics
hosted by the American Association for Applied Linguistics
July 24-29, 2005
Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A.

More details at http://www.aila2005.org/englishmenu.html

Recent Conferences

2nd Regional Language and Law Institute
organized by the Regional English Language Office for Southeast Europe and the Balkans, U.S. Embassy, Budapest
September 19-24, 2004
Budapest, Hungary

7th International SAUA/SATE Conference
August 30 - September 1, 2004
Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
Contact: Eve Homolova, PhD
Dept. of English and American Studies
Matej Bell University, Tajovskeho 40
974 01 Banska Bystrica, Slovak Republic
Tel. 048 4465019
E-mail homolova@fhv.umb.sk

Download Speaker's Proposal Form
Download Conference Registration Form


Dates: 23-25 September 2004
Venue: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Pre-Conference Event Topic on 23 September, 2004:
Teaching Young Learners
Conference Event Topic on 24-25, 2004:
The Latest Issues in English Language Teaching
Speaker-proposal deadline: 9 May 2004
For all the information and forms contact:

A international conference on
Second Announcement
September 23-25, 2004
University of Montenegro, Institute of Foreign Languages
Address: Jovana Tomasevica 37, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro
Tel./Fax: +381-81-243516; Cell phone: +381-67-266022

Topics will include:

Development of LSP
Needs analysis in LSP
LSP and linguistic analysis
LSP and discourse and genre analysis
Vocabulary and LSP
LSP syllabi and materials design
Methodology of teaching LSP
Evaluation and testing in LSP
Role of the LSP teacher

Download Second Conference Announcement
Download Joint Speaker Proposal and Registration Form

European eLearning Quality Conference
Budapest, 21-22 June 2004
More info

Open, Distance and e-Learning in Support of Modernisation, Capacity Building and Regional Development
EDEN 2004 Annual Conference
16-19 JUNE, 2004
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Budapest, Hungary
More info

ELTA Conference
organized by the
English Language Teachers' Association, Albania
Main theme:
Professional Teacher Development in the New Millennium
12-13 June, 2004

Download Conference Schedule

2nd KETA Conference
Saturday, 5 June, 2000
Faculty of Philology, University of Prishtina, Kosovo
Topics: Anything related to practical language teaching in a low-tech environment


For more information, please contact:
Ms. Hazel Slinn at hazel.slinn@ks.britishcouncil.org and Mr. William Key at phoolon_devi@yahoo.com

Hot Issues in ELT
2nd annual conference organized by the Serbian English Language Teachers' Association,
ELTA (IATEFL associate member)
Date: May 21-22, 2004
Venue: Belgrade, Sava Center
Click here to download the Conference Highlight 1
Click here to download the Conference Highlight 2

International Conference on
Higher Education Administration and Management
Organizer: Regional English Language Office and Public Affairs Office
U.S. Embassy, Budapest, Hungary
Venue: Budapest
Dates: May 16-20, 2004
For more information on this event, please contact
Dr. Craig L. Dicker at dickercl@state.gov and Gergő Sántha at
BETA's 13TH National Conference
May 15-16, 2004
Venue: Varna, Technical University
Conference Link

Timisoara, ROMANIA
May 13-15, 2004
Download Conference Info

A conference on
Communication in a Globalized World
Organizer: Budapest College of Communication
Budapest, Hungary
May 7-8, 2004
For more information on this event, please contact
Dr. Jolán Róka at j.roka@bkf.hu

Conference logo, 140x146, image size: 9 KB First Central European International Multimedia and Virtual Reality Conference

University of Veszprém
Veszprém, Hungary
May 6-8, 2004

Click here for the Conference Announcement

Pula, Croatia
April 22-25, 2004
More info later at www.hupe.hr

3rd April 2004 (Saturday)
Venue: Madách Imre Gimnázium, Budapest, Hungary

TESOL's Annual Conference
March 31-April 3, 2004
Long Beach, California, USA

America in the Course of Human Events:
Presentations & Interpretations, EAAS 2004 Conference
in Prague, Czech Republic
April 2-5, 2004

The theme of this conference should be an invitation for scholars in American Studies, ranging from historians and social scientists to experts in literature, the arts and culture to discuss and assess the American experience in a multidisciplinary discourse with emphasis on European approaches and perspectives. It should not be narrowed down to "images of America" but provide ample opportunity fort a reflective exchange of views and ideas.
Click here for more info on the conference

"Shakespeare and Philosophy in a Multicultural World"
Conference, 17-20 March, 2004,
School of English and American Studies
Loránd Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary

Click here to download the Second Circular (Info Leaflet)
Click here to download the Full Conference Program

An interdisciplinary seminar on the moment of complexity in textual and cultural studies and studies of education and learning
Aalborg University, 22nd - 24th January 2004
Deadline for abstracts: 31 August 2003 / for full papers: 28 November 2003
Click here for more info on this event

2004 Mid-Year Central and Eastern European Fellows Conference
14 - 16 January 2004, Budapest, Hungary

Send us an e-mail to relomail@usembassy.hu for more info on this event

First Language and Law Institute
organized by the Regional English Language Office for Southeast Europe and the Balkans, U.S. Embassy, Budapest
19 - 24 January 2004, Budapest, Hungary

Send us an e-mail to relomail@usembassy.hu for more info on this event

A TESOL Symposium
ESL/EFL Standards for Younger Learners

University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Saturday, September 13, 2003

Tutoring and Teaching Academic Writing:
The 2nd Conference of the European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing (EATAW)
in cooperation with
The European Writing Centres Association (EWACA)
June 23-25, 2003, Budapest, Hungary
Also featuring U.S. Department of State - English Language Programs Supported Speaker Prof. Ann Johns
See more on this Speaker
Second International Conference ICT in ELT
Theme: Teaching Teachers To Teach Through Technology
20-23 June, 2003
Wellington Institute of Languages, Gliwice, Poland
For further details e-mail: wellington@hoga.pl

WorldCALL 2003 Conference
May 7-10, 2003

"www. - Wire the World - netWork!"
MultiMedia in ELT

One-day Regional Methodology Conference for EFL Teachers

April 25, 2003, Szombathely, Hungary
Conference Flyer
Conference Schedule

April 10-13, 2003, Pula, Croatia

Learner Independence SIG Mini-Conference
in Kosice, Slovakia

March 21-23, 2003
Download Details
"Trans-curricular Approaches to Teaching English"
The Bucharest English Teachers Association (BETA),
Affiliated to IATEFL and TESOL,
calls for papers and registration for its
11th Annual Conference
Venue: Mihai Viteazul National College
62 Pache Protopopesu Ave, sect 2, Bucharest, Romania
Conference dates: February 28 - March 2, 2003

Complete Announcement (MS Word format, 21.5 KB)

The RELO hosted the 2003
Central European Fellow Conference
in Budapest, Hungary

Conference Report

IATEFL-Hungary's Annual Conference
Veszprém, October 4-6, 2002.

The 10th Annual IATEFL Slovenia Conference
was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 27th and 28th September, 2002
Deadline for speaker proposals (iatefl@eon.si): 15th May, 2002
Should you have difficulties opening the attachments or other queries, contact iatef@eon.si, gordana.pecnik@guest.arnes.si or ksenija.leban@guest.arnes.si.
First Announcement
CALL Pre-Conference Event

"Test to proficiency, Our Goal"
The Romanian Association of Teachers of English (RATE) called for papers and registration
for its 3rd National Annual Conference
Conference dates: 12-14 September, 2002
Complete Announcement (Rtf format, 19.7 KB)

International Education Conference on Education: Changing Times, Changing Needs

The Faculty of Education of Eastern Mediterranean University located in the historical city of Famagusta hosted and organized the first International Education Conference on Education: Changing Times, Changing Needs on May 8 - 10, 2002 in Northern Cyprus
Conference Poster
The poster is in PDF format, which can be viewed and printed with Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have this software, please visit Adobe's page, where you can download it for free. Adobe also offers accessibility tools for reading the PDF forms.

The 9th - HUPE - IATEFL - TESOL - Conference was held in Pula, Croatia, 25 - 28 April 2002
Prof. Gebhard's Report
Discourse Analysis and Technology: Multimodal Discourse Analysis
Georgetown University Round Table on Language and Linguistics (GURT) 2002:
Discourse Analysis and Technology: Multimodal Discourse Analysis
March 7 - 9, 2002
Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
Conference Chairs: Ron Scollon and James E. Alatis

The RELO hosted the 2002 Mid-Year
English Language Fellow Conference
in Budapest, Hungary

Conference Report and Photos

The Bucharest English Teachers' Association (BETA) had its 10th Annual Conference was held on 23-24th February, 2002
at A.D.Xenopol College of Economics
165 Traian Street, sect 2, Bucharest
Conference Theme:

RELO Damon Anderson traveled to Croatia to consult with post on its English Language Programs activities and to present at 2 conferences:
1. Rijeka: Presentation on 'So Each May Learn' for the regional HUPE Conference
2. Zadar: Presentation on 'So Each May Learn' and opening as well as closing remarks for the
9th HUPE-IATEFL-TESOL Conference
April 26-29, 2001
          Photo 1        Photo 2       
The RELO attanded and had an information booth at the 10th Magyar Macmillan ELT Conference at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, April 7-8, 2001.

Photo of the RELO Booth at the 10th Magyar Macmillan ELT Conference, April 7-8, 2001; 200x140 image size: 23287 bytes. By clicking on image get larger photo; 750x526 image size: 96080 bytes

Conference Participants at the 10th Magyar Macmillan ELT Conference, April 7-8, 2001; 200x140 image size: 24246 bytes. By clicking on image get larger photo; 750x526 image size: 89278 bytes

Other Events


ETS in the European Context: TOEFL and Recent Developments in Language Assessment

The Institute of International Education (IIE)
on behalf of the Educational Testing Service (ETS)
is pleased to invite you to a full-day Professional Development Seminar on

Thursday, February 26, 2004, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

House of Professors, Main Conference Room (Ground Floor)
1146 Budapest, Ajtósi Dürer sor 19-21.
Download Invitation
Download Program
English Language Programs Logo, image size: 10 KB  

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Last updated: 10/13/2004