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U.S. Embassy, Budapest


In this section you can find new and relevant pieces of information about developments in the field, grant opportunities, on-going and future activities, conferences and other events.

Upcoming Conferences -- Conference and Events Archive
Focus on Information Technology -- Other than RELO Grant Opportunities
Other Language Matters -- Announcements --
Past RELO Activities -- Publications
Courses -- Past Courses

Focus on Information Technology

Internet-Based English Teaching
October 4, 2004, 3 p.m. in the
American Corner
Mária utca 9., Sister Cities Room (1st floor)
Pecs, Hungary

Dear Teachers and Students of English,
We would like to invite You to a seminar where You will find useful information on Internet-Based English Teaching
by Gabriel Skop
Senior English Language Fellow

American Corner in Pecs, Hungary at http://www.americancorner.hu/

'School of Future'
A powerPoint presentation by the Ministry of Education, Hungary
Download Presentation

'National application of eLearning initiatives from the EU'
by the Ministry of Education, Hungary
View the Document

Open, Distance and e-Learning in Support of Modernisation, Capacity Building and Regional Development
EDEN 2004 Annual Conference
16-19 JUNE, 2004
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Budapest, Hungary
More info

European eLearning Quality Conference
Budapest, 21-22 June 2004
More info

The Web in ELT
The "WEB IN ELT" is the first accredited online teacher training course for teachers of English in Hungarian primary and secondary schools
A joint project of IATEFL Hungary and the Regional English Language Office of the US Embassy in Budapest
Course Site
How to get financial support?
(Once you get to this site, check "Nyelv + számítógép" and proceed)

All about E-learning: Web exclusive from US New and World Report
Updated E-learning directory to include the most up-to-date information about courses, certificates, and degrees that you can obtain in the comfort of your own home.
-- Directory: Key statistics for over 900 E-learning programs at the undergraduate and graduate level.
-- Search: Find the programs and courses that best meet your individual needs.
-- Forum: Get your questions answered by our E-learning experts.

More details at http://www.usnews.com/usnews/edu/elearning/elhome.htm
RELO Budapest's 2002 English Language Specialist
Dr. Leslie Opp-Beckman focussing on
ELT and the Information Highway
Sessions at a number of locations in Hungary
September 25-October 6, 2002
also at
IATEFL-Hungary's Annual Conference in Veszprém

Read our Specialist's Trip Report
Read Online Article at www.felvi.hu (in Hungarian)

More information from relobp@pd.state.gov
Ball State University Will Use
Online Videoconferencing
for International Seminars
Read more
On March 21, 2002 RELO Budapest gave a presentation via a Digital Video Conference with Chisinau, Moldova. The title was
Electronic Literacy:
Language and Culture in On-line Education

Downloadable Report from Moldova (Zip Format, 97 KB)
Our office sponsored 10 participants to attend the first, full-fledged,
online international English teaching conference
held November 10 and 11, 2001.
Conference report (English version with photos)
Conference report (Hungarian version)
Conference site

The RELO Assistant attended TESOL's Summer Academy on 'Web-Based Tools in English Language Teaching' at San Diego State University, CA
(LING 410/510)
Summer 2001, July 27-29
Instructor: Leslie Opp-Beckman
What is this course about?
This course emphasized the applied use of computer-based resources and tools in language learning environments.
For more information on the program, please visit: http://aei.uoregon.edu/LING410/index.htm
Photo 1      Photo 2      Photo 3

Other than RELO Grant Opportunities

World - Language: Grants from the Hungarian Ministry of Education (in Hungarian only)
More info

TESOL Awards and Grants 2005
Download More Info

Doctoral Dissertation Grants by TESOL
Standard Research Grants

in the field of applied linguistics/English language education
More information available at www.tirfonline.org

Doors to Diplomacy
The U. S. Department of State is sponsoring the "Doors to Diplomacy" educational challenge - to encourage middle school and high school students around the world to produce web projects that teach others about the importance of international affairs and diplomacy.

Scholarships, Cash Awards, and a Trip to Washington DC!

Important Dates
Registration has already started!
Projects must be completed by March 20, 2004
Read more at http://globalschoolhouse.org/doors/

Deadline approaching for TESOL's awards and grants
The deadline for submitting an application or nominating a colleague for the 2002-2003 Awards and Grants program is November 1, 2002.

Check out the details at

Other Language Matters

Lesson Plan for 9/11 Commemoration

To assist secondary school social studies teachers in preparing to meet the challenge of instructing their students on the anniversary of last year's terrorist attacks, the Bill of Rights Institute has created a 45 min. lesson,
September 11: Commemorating America's Civic Values.

In this lesson, students will commemorate the tragic events of September 11, 2001 by focusing on those civic values that enabled the American people to respond - both individually and collectively - to the horrific attacks of that day and to ultimately triumph over adversity.

You may download September 11: Commemorating America's Civic Values for free from

*The lesson plan is in PDF format, which can be viewed and printed with Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have this software, please visit Adobe's page , where you can download it for free. Adobe also offers accessibility tools for reading the PDF forms.

Image of the European Year of Languages tram in Tallin, Estonia; 250x188, larger image size: 45830 bytes

On 5 June 2001 a European Year of Languages tram was launched in Tallinn. The tram goes on route no 3. Several embassies and cultural institutions decorated the tram in order to draw attention to the importance of learning languages.


Internet-Based English Teaching
October 4, 2004, 3 p.m. in the
American Corner
Mária utca 9., Sister Cities Room (1st floor)
Pecs, Hungary

Dear Teachers and Students of English,
We would like to invite You to a seminar where You will find useful information on Internet-Based English Teaching
by Gabriel Skop
Senior English Language Fellow

American Corner in Pecs, Hungary at http://www.americancorner.hu/

- a light journal on U.S. history, culture, and everyday life

Our hope is that Zoom will help students of the English language to know better the United States and to improve their language skills. We also hope that English teachers will find Zoom useful in the classroom or in extracurricular activities.

If you are interested in studying in the U.S. and would like to learn more about these College Board Programs, please join us at the The Fulbright Educational Advising Center and the College Board invite you to an information seminar on

The new SAT and the Advanced Placement (AP) Program

On Thursday, March 18, 2004
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
House of Professors, Main Conference Room (Ground Floor)
1146 Budapest, Ajtósi Dürer sor 19-21.

Download Announcement (.doc file, size: 19.0 KB)

Link to Fulbright in Hungary

The Web in ELT
The "WEB IN ELT" is the first accredited online teacher training course for teachers of English in Hungarian primary and secondary schools
A joint project of IATEFL Hungary and the Regional English Language Office of the US Embassy in Budapest
Course Site
How to get financial support?
(Once you get to this site, check "Nyelv + számítógép" and proceed)

The RELO invites you to come and read in its office past printed issues of The Chronicle of Higher Education,
a No. 1 news source for college and university faculty members and administrators.
For our office hours, check out www.usembassy.hu/relo.html

Read some of the atricles at http://www.chronicle.com

Doors to Diplomacy
The U. S. Department of State is sponsoring the "Doors to Diplomacy" educational challenge - to encourage middle school and high school students around the world to produce web projects that teach others about the importance of international affairs and diplomacy.

Scholarships, Cash Awards, and a Trip to Washington DC!

Important Dates
Registration has already started!
Projects must be completed by March 20, 2004

Read more at http://globalschoolhouse.org/doors/

RELO Budapest's 2002 English Language Specialist
Dr. Leslie Opp-Beckman focussing on
ELT and the Information Highway
Sessions at a number of locations in Hungary
September 25-October 6, 2002
also at
IATEFL-Hungary's Annual Conference in Veszprém

Read our Specialist's Trip Report
Read Online Article at www.felvi.hu (in Hungarian)

More information from relobp@pd.state.gov
183 X 56 Logo of the International Institute of Education (IIE); imagize size: 11KB
The Institute of International Education (IIE) brings TOEIC® to Hungary and to Central Eastern Europe
1 KB bullet
Read the Press Release

TOEIC Info (in Hungarian)
TOEIC Info (in English)
Check out IIENetwork, IIE's Membership Program

Shaggy dogs on the Web

Shaggy dogs stories, first published in English Teaching Forum in 1980 and republished in the book (and cassette) The Lighter Side of TEFL, are now going digital at
5 KB image of Antimoon.com - Learn English Effectively
Check the Website below

Thank you to members and affiliate members

TESOL's executive director thanks members for their expressions of concern and support in light of the events of September 11, 2001. A separate Web page has been set up to encourage members to share how they are dealing with the effects of the tragedy in their classrooms.
Read the full thank you at http://www.tesol.org/global/sept11-letter.html
Share your story at http://www.tesol.org/global/sept11-entry.html

Learn More about TESOL On-Line
June 2000 Update on TESOL's International Initiatives

Some of Past RELO events

Internet-Based English Teaching
October 4, 2004, 3 p.m. in the
American Corner
Mária utca 9., Sister Cities Room (1st floor)
Pecs, Hungary

2nd Regional Language and Law Institute
organized by the Regional English Language Office for Southeast Europe and the Balkans, U.S. Embassy, Budapest
September 19-24, 2004
Budapest, Hungary

First Language and Law Institute
organized by the Regional English Language Office for Southeast Europe and the Balkans, U.S. Embassy, Budapest
19 - 24 January 2004, Budapest, Hungary

Send us an e-mail to relomail@usembassy.hu for more info on this event

2004 Mid-Year Central and Eastern European Fellows Conference
14 - 16 January 2004, Budapest, Hungary

Send us an e-mail to relomail@usembassy.hu for more info on this event

In June 2003 RELO Budapest hosted ceremony for handing out Certificates of successfully completed The Web in ELT online course.
Developers of the course:

IATEFL Hungary
RELO Budapest
Institute of Pedagogy in Budapest


Movie 1 (file size: 1.37 MB)    Movie 2 (file size: 5.18 MB)


Instructor: Ann Johns (San Diego State University, California, USA)
RELO Budapest's English Language Specialist
Date and time: 18 June 2003, 4:00-6:00 pm
Venue: Radnóti Miklós Gyakorlóiskola
1146 Budapest, Cházár A. u. 10.

At the invitation of Dr. Miklós Molnár of the Department of English Language and Literature of ELTE's Teacher Training Faculty , RELO Damon Anderson delivered a lecture on the connection between culture and language.
Photo 1    Photo 2    Photo 3    Photo 4

Fading Slide Show

The RELO was invited to and attended the American Indian Day at one of Budapest's school for the less-abled
RELO Reception to Honor Grantees

The RELO hosted a reception Friday night, September 28, for the 23 Hungarian grantees who have been awarded RELO grants during the RELO's first year and a half of being reestablished in Budapest. The attendance exemplified the variety, breadth, and reach of the RELO's work here in Hungary.
Full Report
Upon the request of the Student Body Board of the School of English and American Studies (SEAS) at ELTE, the Regional English Language Office together with a former U.S. university intern of web design at the English Language Programs visited this year's Students' Camp at Érdsimonpuszta, April 19-22, 2001, and gave a presentation on the RELO's main activities and responsibilities, possible grants, and also answered basic questions concerning the U.S. Embassy's organizational units.
Photo 1         Photo 2         Photo 3


A new monthly web magazine for youth about families, friends, careers, beliefs, sports, music, technology, education, relationships and, most of all, your future.

- a light journal on U.S. history, culture, and everyday life

Our hope is that Zoom will help students of the English language to know better the United States and to improve their language skills. We also hope that English teachers will find Zoom useful in the classroom or in extracurricular activities.

George Wilcox, one of our RELOs based in DC, has put together the
Professional Growth and Development:
An Anthology of Articles from Forum On-Line

In the latest issue of TESOL Matters (p. 6) they are inviting EFL Professionals to contribute to the Case Studies in TESOL Practice Series, published by TESOL: "Why not contribute to open volumes in the Case Studies in TESOL Practice series? ......"
More information

Ongoing and Future Courses and Study Opportunities

The Web in ELT I, II and I-II
The first accredited online teacher training course for teachers of English in Hungary
A joint project of IATEFL Hungary and the Regional English Language Office of the US Embassy in Budapest

Link to More Detailed Course Announcement

Past Courses and Study Opportunities
If you are interested in studying in the U.S. and would like to learn more about these College Board Programs, please join us at the The Fulbright Educational Advising Center and the College Board invite you to an information seminar on

The new SAT and the Advanced Placement (AP) Program

On Thursday, March 18, 2004
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
House of Professors, Main Conference Room (Ground Floor)
1146 Budapest, Ajtósi Dürer sor 19-21.

Download Announcement (.doc file, size: 19.0 KB)

Link to Fulbright in Hungary

IATEFL Hungary is warmly inviting you to attend a


Instructor: Ann Johns (San Diego State University, California, USA)
RELO Budapest's Coming English Language Specialist
Date and time: 18 June 2003, 4:00-6:00 pm
Venue: Radnóti Miklós Gyakorlóiskola
1146 Budapest, Cházár A. u. 10.

All teachers and teacher trainees are welcome!

Download Invitation Poster

The Web in ELT
The first accredited online teacher training course for teachers of English in Hungary
A joint project of IATEFL Hungary and the Regional English Language Office of the US Embassy in Budapest

Link to More Detailed Course Announcement

International Diploma in Language Teaching Management (IDLTM)
Jointly sponsored by SIT, the University of Cambridge License Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), and the Institute of Continuing and TESOL Education (ICTE) at the University of Queensland in Australia, the IDLTM is designed for experienced language teaching
professionals who have been asked to take on management responsibilities.
For more details, please visit http://www.idltm.org

Integrating the Internet into the Classroom
Starting on October 14, 2002
The Graduate School of Education at Lewis & Clark College offered a three-week online course designed to help educators become more proficient in utilizing the Internet.
Link to last but one course

Integrating the Internet into the Classroom
July 8-26, 2002
The Graduate School of Education at Lewis & Clark College is offering a three-week online course designed to help educators become more proficient in utilizing the Internet.
Summer Seminar in American Culture and Language
June 9- June 21 2002
Language, Culture, Media:
Impact on 20th Century America
More details

On-line Teacher Training Courses for Winter 2002
University of Oregon American English Institute offered two on-line "short courses" Winter 2002.
Dates: February 4 through March 8, 2002
More Information on the Course
RELO Supports Two Grantees

English Language Programs Logo, image size: 10 KB  

Back to RELO Home Page


Last updated: 10/13/2004