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U.S. Embassy, Budapest

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Click here for RELO Grant Guidelines

Links to Research and Other Grants

TESOL Awards
EAAS Travel Grants
2004-2005 ETS Fellowship and Internship Programs
Fulbright Scholarships

Past RELO Grants

Aside from the general programs mentioned earlier, the RELO also has been funding various programs and projects such as:
  • A CD-ROM project with the Hungarian Ministry of Education for a new style of distance in-service training
  • Grants to teachers associations in the region for their regional and national teacher professional development programs
  • A small grant program to fund research in TEFL and related fields at key universities, and
  • Partial travel grants to major conferences for teachers, professors and program administrators who are presenting new ideas and research.

    Some of our past grants are as follows:

    Dr. Marianne Nikolov
    Ms. Magdolna Lehmann -- IATEFL-Hungary
    Elek Máthé -- Számadóné Bíró Alice
    Mrs. Nóra Németh Tartsay -- Dr. Ryan James
    Dr. David Francis -- Ms. Judit Heitzmann
    Dr. Marianne Nikolov -- Dr. Benő Csapó
    Számadóné Bíró Alice -- Ms. Nóra Fóti
    Hungarian-American Fulbright Commission (2001)
    Ms. Szilvia Csábi -- Ms. Borbála Barnaházi
    Department of English Applied Linguistics, University of Pécs
    Dr. György Szőnyi -- Ms. Magda Ajtay-Horváth
    Students' Board, SEAS, ELTE -- Ms. Judit Sárvári
    Dr. Uwe Pohl -- EduNet -- IATEFL-H
    Hungarian-American Fulbright Commission (2000)

    0I. An award to assist Prof. Marianne Nikolov in attending the 2004 AAAL conferences in the U.S. Dr. Nikolov, well-acknowledged Head of the Department of English Applied Linguistics at the University of Pécs, Hungary

    Read grant report

    I. An award to Ms. Magdolna Lehmann, PhD student of the Department of English Applied Linguistics at the University of Pécs, Hungary, for the purpose of assisting the recipient in attending the 2003 Annual Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) convention in Baltimore, Maryland, between March 24-29, 2003. Ms. Lehmann, also an Applied Linguistics instructor at the University of Pécs, Hungary, actively attended this high-profile convention that contributed to her PhD research.

    II. An award to IATEFL-Hungary for the purpose of assisting the recipient in supporting the formation of a much-needed national non-profit professional association for testing experts.

    III. An award to Mr. Elek Máthé, Internet Relations Officer of IATEFL-Hungary, for the purpose of assisting the recipient in co-developing the syllabus of a two-level English teachers' in-service teacher training course entitled The Web in ELT to be conducted at the Budapest Pedagogical Institute.

    Link to Course Announcement

    IV. An award to Számadóné Bíró Alice for the purpose of assisting the recepient in co-developing the syllabus of a two-level English teachers' in-service teacher training course entitled The Web in ELT to be conducted at the Budapest Pedagogical Institute.
    Link to Course Announcement

    V. An award to Mrs. Nóra Németh Tartsay for the purpose of assisting the recipient in attending and presenting at the 2002 EUROCALL conference in the Jyväskylä, Finland, between August 14 and August 17, 2002.
    At the conference Mrs. Tartsay, being a co-developer of the RELO's groundbreaking distance learning CD-ROM project and a productive instructor at the Department of English Applied Linguistics of Eötvös Loránd University, will deliver a presentation entitled Developing Training Materials for Distance Education Teacher Training Courses.

    VI. An award to assist Dr. Ryan James in attending and presenting at an English language teaching conference entitled "Teaching English: From Traditional to Contemporary" organized and hosted by the SEE University in Tetovo, Macedonia, between April 18-22, 2002. Dr. James, an experienced EFL instructor in Hungary, delivered a presentation and an accompanying workshop on Action Research: The EFL Teacher as a Researcher in the Classroom.


    VII. An award to assist Dr. David Francis, who is at present a Fulbright scholar at the Department of English Language and Literature of the University of Miskolc, Hungary, in attending and presenting at an English language teaching conference entitled "Teaching English: From Traditional to Contemporary" organized and hosted by the SEE University in Tetovo, Macedonia, between April 18-22, 2002. Dr. Francis, a present Fulbright lecturer in Hungary in the field of American Literature, delivered a joint-presentation and an accompanying workshop on Teaching American Literature to EFL Students.

    VIII. An award to assist Ms. Judit Heitzmann in attending the 2002 Annual Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) convention in the Salt Lake City, Utah, between April 9 and April 13, 2002. Ms. Heitzmann, a respectable and prominent member of the committee of IATEFL-Hungary (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language), will represent her organization in order to strengthen the ties they have with TESOL, of which her organization is an affiliate.

    Ms. Heitzmann's report

    Report by Mr. Karlo Poljakovic from Yugoslavia

    IX. An award to assist Prof. Marianne Nikolov in attending the 2002 AERA and AAAL conferences in the U.S. between April 1 and April 9, 2002. Dr. Nikolov, well-acknowledged Head of the Department of English Applied Linguistics at the University of Pécs, Hungary, will deliver joint presentations at both conferences with Dr. Csapó of the University of Szeged.

    Abstract of the Joint AAAL Presentation

    X. An award to assist Dr. Csapó in attending the annual American Educational Research Association's (AERA) and AAAL's conferences in the U.S. between April 1 and April 9, 2002. Dr. Csapó, Instructor at the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of the University of Szeged, Hungary, will deliver joint presentations at both conferences with Dr. Nikolov of the University of Pécs.

    Abstract of the Joint AERA Presentation

    XI. An award to assist Mrs. Számadó Alice Bíró, EFL instructor at Fazekas Mihály Secondary School in Budapest, in attending an online course entitled Web-based Resources for Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL), offered by the American English Institute of the University of Oregon, between February 4 and March 8, 2002. As an on-line course, it will help teachers develop their own technology skills to identify Web-based curriculum materials for TEYL, adapt existing materials so that they are culturally and age appropriate, read and discuss professional articles and information from the web and from listservs that are relevant to the teaching of young learners, and collaborate with colleagues around the world with similar pedagogical interests.

    XII. An award to assist Ms. Nóra Fóti in attending an online course entitled Web-based Resources for Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL), offered by the American English Institute of the University of Oregon, between February 4 and March 8, 2002. As an on-line course, it will help teachers develop their own technology skills to identify Web-based curriculum materials for TEYL, adapt existing materials so that they are culturally and age appropriate, read and discuss professional articles and information from the web and from listservs that are relevant to the teaching of young learners, and collaborate with colleagues around the world with similar pedagogical interests.

    XIII. An award to the Fulbright Commission in Hungary for the purpose of assisting the recipient in organizing and conducting the project entitled A Conference on International Linkages: American Educational Institutions in partnership with Hungarian Institutions. The topic was addressed in plenaries, and small panels or discussions by participants from American educational institutions operating programs or projects in Hungary and from Hungarian higher education institutions engaged in international linkages and participating in programs with American institutions.

    XIV. An award to Ms. Szilvia Csábi for the purpose of assisting the recipient in her participation at the 7th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC) held at the University of California in Santa Barbara, California, July 22-27, 2001. At the conference Ms. Csábi, a well-acknowledged student of the English Linguistics Ph.D. Program of ELTE and a respected researcher clearly excelling in fields related to language and cognition, presented her accepted poster paper entitled Translating Conceptual Metaphors

    Ms. Csábi's conference report

    XV. An award to Miss Borbála Barnaházi for the purpose of assisting the recipient in participation fees at the 2001 American Institute on Political and Economic Systems (AIPES), held in Prague, Czech Republic between July 14 and August 5. On her return, Miss. Barnaházi shared her experience with her fellow students, thus widening their perception and understanding of these aspects of the world.

    Miss Barnaházi's report
    Photo 1      Photo 2      Photo 3

    XVI. An award to the Department of English Applied Linguistics for the purpose of providing a monthly stipend for Ms. Sharon Fuller, a highly appreciated tutor from the United States, during her fall semester teaching period at the Department of English Applied Linguistics at the University of Pécs, Hungary. In coordination with Dr. Nikolov and other members of the department, Ms. Fuller taught three types of undergraduate courses to English majors: Writing and Research Skills, and Language Practice classes with a special focus on U.S. matters for content, thus contributing to the students' more detailed knowledge in U.S. studies. As the department has no native speaker tutor in their entire English major program, Ms. Fuller's contribution to the students' development was thus considered invaluable.

    XVII. An award to assist Dr. Szőnyi, Department Head of English and American Studies at the University of Szeged, with his program at the Max Kade Center of Germanic Studies of the University of Kansas where he held a research seminar within the framework of their series Philosophy and Literature to talk about German emigré American philosophers, who contributed enormously to the development of the humanities there. Also, Dr. Szőnyi assisted in evaluating and publishing the Andrew W. Mellon East Central Fellowship Program.

                     200x226 Photo of the Max Kade Center for German-American Studies Department of German, University of Kansas, Lawrence, USA, image size: 43 KB. Click to get 531x600 image, size: 93 KB

    XVIII. An award to the Recipient for the purpose assisting the recipient in conducting the following project: In May 2001 Magda Ajtay-Horváth (Department of English Language and Literature, College of Nyíregyháza) participated in the conference in American Studies organized by the Universitatea de Vest (Western University) Timisoara, Romania with a paper entitled Register and Identity in Alice Walker's Color Purple.

    XIX. An Award to Students' Board of the School of English and American Studies (SEAS) at Eötvös Lóránd University who will attend the institution's 2001 Summer Camp in Érdsimonpuszta, Hungary, April 20-22. This popular English-language camp, including quizzes on Anglo-Saxon culture, team-building activities, drama sessions, and a movie screening, helped create and maintain a better cooperating community of students in the field of English and American studies. Also, as an invited key figure of the program, the RELO introduced its main goals, activities, and the basic structure of the Embassy.

    XX. An award to Ms. Judit Sárvári for the purpose of assisting the recipient in accommodation arrangements and registration fees at the 5th annual Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Conference in St. Louis, Missouri. Ms. Judit Sárvári, being an expert in the field of intercultural communication and a key figure at the Hungarian Ministry of Education, conducted her session entitled The Intercultural Experience of the Learner as an Ethnographer as an invited speaker at TESOL. Actively attending the conference, she was also able to develop possible future educational contacts between individual scholars and institutions of higher education and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Also, she established contacts with ETS examination representatives to negotiate about the possible accreditation of American English language exams in Hungary. On her return, Ms. Sárvári conducts a minimum of two lectures, plenaries or workshops at the Ministry of Education, Hungarian institutions of higher education, at the annual conference of Macmillan or the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language, Hungary (IATEFL-H), thus enabling teachers of English, other ELT professionals and ministry officials in Hungary to learn more about a number of topics of the TESOL conference, with special regard to short as well as long term educational policies.

    XXI. An award to Mr. Uwe Pohl for the purpose of assisting the recipient in accommodation arrangements, meals, other incidental expenses, and registration fees at the 5th annual Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Conference in St. Louis, Missouri. Dr. Pohl, being one of the well-acknowledged experts in the field of language pedagogy, applied linguistics and pre- and in-service teacher training programs, conducted his session entitled Legitimizing Intercultural Education in the Classroom as an invited speaker at TESOL's Teacher Education Special Interest Section. Actively attending the conference, he was also able to develop possible future educational contacts between individual scholars and institutions of higher education and Eötvös Lóránd University. On his return, Mr. Pohl conducts a minimum of two lectures, plenaries or workshops at Hungarian institutions of higher education, at the annual conference of Macmillan or the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language - Hungary (IATEFL-H), thus enabling teachers of English and other ELT professionals in Hungary to learn more about a number of topics of the TESOL conference.

    XXII. An award to the EduNet Foundation to assist the recipient in organizing and conducting the project entitled IT Project for Distance Learning for Professional Development. The project covers development in the use of ICT in teaching English as a foreign language through the integration of the use of the Internet. The end of the project will culminate in developing a CD-ROM, a part of an in-service module to initiate distance learning for professional development, that enables teachers of English in Hungary as well as the whole Central Eastern European region to learn to use teaching materials on the Internet independently.

    XXIII. An award to the Fulbright Commission in Hungary for the purpose of assisting the recipient in organizing and conducting the project entitled The Culture of Languages in Hungary. The topic was addressed in small panels or discussions by several sectors of the Hungarian society such as Education, Law, Media, Commercial. The end of the project culminated in a larger panel discussion with representatives from the smaller discussions in order to look at the overarching language policy issues in Hungary, including those issues relating to minority languages as well as foreign languages.

    XXIV. An award to IATEFL-Hungary for the purpose of assisting the recipient in organizing IATEFL-H conferences and seminars.

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Last updated: 08/19/2004