Nuclear Engineering Division of ANL

Home > About the Division > Director's Welcome

Director's Welcome

Welcome to the Nuclear Engineering (NE) Division Web Site. NE  is the result of a merger between the former Reactor Analysis and Engineering and Technology Development Divisions.

NE is one of the divisions within the Engineering Research Organization of ANL. The Engineering Re-search Organization and its precursors have been responsible for the development of civilian nuclear power systems for over 50 years, ever since the dawn of the nuclear age. Over the years, we have expanded our core competencies and applied them to problems outside of the civilian nuclear arena.

Our mission is to (1) advance the design and operation of nuclear energy systems, and (2) apply our nuclear energy-related expertise to current and emerging programs of national and international significance. Flowing from this mission, our strategic goals are:

  • To design and build the next generation nuclear energy system.
  • To be recognized and utilized as the world’s experts on the nuclear fuel cycle.
  • To enhance energy security by resolving key issues of current and near-term nuclear power systems.
  • To apply expertise in nuclear technologies and related areas to enhancing global security and environmental quality.
  • To provide computational and engineering application support for Laboratory initiatives.

The NE Division currently has about 270 employees and manages close to $50 million of work per year. We are funded primarily by the U.S. Department of Energy through a number of its offices. Our diversified programs are also supported by a broad range of other sponsors from the U.S. Government and industry. We actively seek opportunities to collaborate with university, national laboratories, industry, and international partners in pursuit of their needs and our mission goals.

A brief up-to-date overview about the current NE activities and useful contact information are provided in the Activities section of this site. If you are a potential partner, please review the section on working with us. Alternately, feel free to contact us.

Due to the recent merger, the division will maintain two separate web sites until this new single web site is fully developed:
the TD Web site at and
the RAE Web site at .

I invite you to follow the links provided above if you want to learn more in depth about the division's activities.

Dr. Hussein S. Khalil
Nuclear Engineering Division
Argonne National Laboratory

Dr. Hussein S. Khalil

Dr. Hussein S. Khalil
Nuclear Engineering Division

+1 630-252-4500


Engineering Research Organization of ANL

U.S. Department of Energy

University of Chicago

Reactor Analysis & Engineering

Technology Development

ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY, Nuclear Engineering Division
9700 South Cass Ave., Argonne, IL 60439-4814
Operated by the University of Chicago for the U.S. Department of Energy

Last modified on June 29, 2004 15:54 +0200