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VA Records Center and Vault - short- and long-term storage of records and files for VA and other government agency customers.

Loan Guaranty Service - home loan eligibility, property management, construction and valuation, lenders, servicers, real estate professionals, forms, oversight, specially-adapted housing.

GI Bill - Education Benefit Programs, forms, legal advice, payments.

Contact the VA - Search for FAQs, Education Benefits Inquiries, Board of Veterans Appeals, Contact by Phone, Contact by US Mail.

Form 10-10EZ - Application for Health Benefits. Submission of this application will provide us with the information that we need to begin the enrollment application process for you.

Burial & Memorial Benefits - The VA National Cemetery Administration honors the military service of our Nation's veterans. We provide a dignified burial and lasting memorial for veterans and their eligible family members and we maintain our veterans' cemeteries as national shrines.

Miami VA Medical Center - Centrally located at 1201 N.W. 16th Street, in Miami's Civic Center/Medical Complex district.

Southern Arizona VA Health Care System - Formerly known as the Tucson VA Medical Center. Proudly serving Veterans for 75 years.

About the Department of Veterans Affairs - This page is the gateway to general information about the Department of Veterans Affairs, including its purpose, mission, vision, organizations, programs, publications, forms, and plans.

A History of Supporting Veterans - history, milestones, population statistics, expenditures, city, county, state data.

Purpose, Mission, and Vision - VA's Purpose, Mission, and Vision Statements.

Veterans Affairs Organizations - Provides a list of the major offices and organizations within the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Health Benefits and Services - The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) provides a broad spectrum of medical, surgical, and rehabilitative care to its customers. Our goal is to share information about these benefits and services to make it as easy as possible for you to receive the care you need.

VA Programs - health, benefits, advisory committees, minority, women, Conversations with America, best practices, homeless, records center, vault, vital records, veterans industries, vocational rehabilitation, virtual learning center.

Web Site Information - server information, usage statistics, viewer software.

Training Information - Acquisition Training, Career Development, Best Practices, Virtual Conference, Virtual Learning Center.

Serving Veterans and Employees with Accessible Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) - Section 508, accessible IT product purchasing, accessibility references and guidelines.

Disabled Veterans Resources - The following web resources have been collected for posting on the VA Internet/Intranet web sites for disabled veterans seeking information or help using a personal computer.

Practicing Listening Skills - Listening is an art, a skill, a discipline, and like other skills, it needs self-control. You must understand what is involved in listening and develop the necessary techniques to be silent and listen. You must ignore your own needs and concentrate attention on the person speaking. Hearing becomes listening only when you pay attention to what is said and follow it very closely.

Agent Orange - Approximately 20 million gallons of herbicides were used in Vietnam between 1962 and 1971 to remove unwanted plant life and leaves which otherwise provided cover for enemy forces during the Vietnam Conflict. Shortly following their military service in Vietnam, some veterans reported a variety of health problems and concerns which some of them attributed to exposure to Agent Orange or other herbicides.

Bookmarks and Hotlinks - bookmarks, appeals, benefits, homeless medical, GI Bill, education, burial.

FY 2002 Performance and Accountability Report - From the VA Office of Budget.

Cancer Program - VA Central Cancer Registry, National Cancer Strategy, Clinical Trials, Acute Care, Schedule of Preventive Services, Information Contacts, Cancer Centers, Clinical Practice Guidelines, Cancer Incidence in the VA, External Links.

CARES - Capital Asset Realignment for Enhanced Services. The CARES program is designed to assess veterans' health care needs and identify planning initiatives to meet those needs in the future. CARES is about planning for veterans' health care and making sure that quality and access are given the highest consideration.

Cost Accounting Implementation Guide - The "Cost Accounting Implementation Guide" is intended to provide assistance for agencies to implement a managerial cost accounting process. The appendices provide resource material which may be tailored and used to meet each individual entities specific needs. Case Studies from General Services Administration, Customs Service, Treasury’s Financial Management Service, and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing are included.

Where Can I Get Information on Agent Orange? - studies, resources.

Customer Service: Compliments, Questions, Complaints, Concerns - Tell us what you like, or what could be improved about the way VA provides services.

VA 1-Stop Service Inquiry Page - FAQ's, Contacts, Forms.

How Can I Upgrade My Military Discharge? - Discharge reviews are within the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense, not the Department of Veterans Affairs. However, we can help you get started.

How do I find a servicemate or members of my military unit? - reunions, veterans groups.

Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Customer Service Standards - We will treat you with courtesy and dignity. You can expect to be treated as the 1st class citizen that you are.

Office of Dentistry - The practice of hospital dentistry offers opportunities and challenges that typically are not found in other environments.

Debt Management Center - We act as a trusted resource for veterans and their families to consult in the management and payment of a debt to VA.

If You Owe VA - We can explain your rights and obligations, give you information about how the amount of your debt was calculated, and tell you how to pay the debt.

Veterans Health Administration Diabetes Program - clinical guidelines, information for veterans, links.

Disclaimers - Disclaimer of Endorsement, Disclaimer of Liability.

Today's VA - General Information, Congressional and Legislative Affairs, Hot Topics, Partners, Veterans Organizations, Vendors, Public Affairs, Special Events, Veteran Data and Information, What's New.

Department of Veterans Affairs Federal Credit Union - for VA employees.

Health Care Eligibility - eligibility, enrollment, benefits, cost, questions, library, overview, news.

Emergency Management Strategic Healthcare Group (EMSHG) - missions, accomplishments, and current activities relating to disaster response and recovery operations.

Facilities - Facilities Directory, Office of Facilities Management, Tele-Health.

Architect / Engineer Information - documents, projects, seletion, requirements, guidelines.

Office of Facilities Management - asset management services.

Office of Facilities Management Technical Information Library - what's hot, accessibility, asbestos, design issues, manuals, environmental compliance, Fire safety, architectural and engineering specifications, metric system program requirements, physical security, plaques and seals, quality alerts, construction drawings review checklist, wage rate determination.

Office of Facilities Management Technical Information Library - There are over 300 master specifications that are used for a variety of building construction projects. These range from new medical, office, and utility buildings to cemeteries and minor renovation and remodeling jobs.

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Electronic Reading Room - Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) response material and other material routinely available to the public, with associated electronic "search" and indexing capabilities.

Guide for Submitting Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests - frequently-asked questions.

VA Forms - forms search engine, online applications, links to non-VA forms.

How to Create MS Word Templates and Forms

VA Forms in Microsoft Word Templates

Internal VA Forms

Gateway to VA Web Page Site Maps - To help you navigate throughout the VA Web site easily, we have included a map of the high-level pages.

Government Information Locator System (GILS) - index of a variety of VA reference information.

Gulf War Illness - information related to Gulf War Veterans.

The Health Administration Center - healthcare benefits, including CHAMPVA, the Foreign Medical Program, spina bifida healthcare benefits, and benefits for children of women Vietnam veterans.

CHAMPVA for Life - an extension of benefits to certain individuals over age 65.

What is the difference between CHAMPVA and TRICARE (formerly CHAMPUS)? - Although similar, CHAMPVA is completely separate with a totally different beneficiary population than TRICARE—a Department of Defense healthcare program formerly called CHAMPUS.

CHAMPVA - a healthcare benefits program for dependents and survivors of veterans.

CHAMPVA Handbook

CHAMPVA Filing Instructions

Medical Matrix - When you use a Medical Matrix pharmacy, the pharmacy will collect your cost share (25% of the allowable charge) and will submit a claim to CHAMPVA - saving you time.

Meds by Mail - receive non-urgent maintenance medications delivered right to your door.

CHAMPVA Policy Manual - program administration, benefits, payments.

Forms for Healthcare Providers and CHAMPVA Beneficiaries

Spina Bifida Benefits - benefits for the treatment of spina bifida and related medical conditions.

Diabetes Program - clinical guidelines, information for veterans, links.

Gulf War Syndrome Frequently Asked Questions

Gateway to VA Health Care - eligibility, vocational rehabilitation, readjustment counseling, homeless programs, consumer health, facilities locator, forms.

Hepatitis C Resource Centers (HCRC) - news, events, research, resources, contacts.

Hepatitis C Education - for patients and providers.

Homeless Veterans - VA offers a wide array of special programs and initiatives specifically designed to help homeless veterans live as self-sufficiently and independently as possible. In fact, VA is the only Federal agency that provides substantial hands-on assistance directly to homeless persons.

Hot Topics - war-related illness, SARS, copayment refunds, news reports, programs, events.

Job Opportunities - challenging, interesting, meaningful work to care for the veterans who have risked their lives to protect our freedom. Search for VA Jobs, learn how to apply for VA Jobs, employee benefits, employment resources.

About VA - for those considering employment with VA.

What Your Application or Resume Must Contain

VA Employee Benefits - As a VA employee, you are eligible for a wide variety of benefits.

Employment Resources - The following are provided as a service to VA employees and others interested in locating new job opportunities. VA does not maintain nor specifically endorse any of these web sites.

Search for VA Jobs

Search for VA Administrative Job Openings

Search for VA Health Care Job Openings

VHA Highlights - health benefits and services news highlights.

Center for Minority Veterans Resource Links - index of web links of interest to veterans.

Center for Minority Veterans

Center for Minority Veterans News & Info

National Commission on VA Nursing - VA Nursing is a dynamic diverse group of honored, respected and compassionate professionals.

North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Health System

Office of Acquisition and Materiél Management - up-to-date information on programs, policies, regulations, and legislation that affect VA Acquisition and Logistics managers.

Acquisition Services - This office awards and administers contracts to meet the needs of VA and other agencies.

VA Business Opportunities - General information about Department of Veterans Affairs business opportunities.

Doing Business with the Department of Veterans Affairs - Doing Business with medical centers, VA Central Office, the National Acquisition Center, the Denver Distribution Center, Small Business Programs, Addresses of VA Contracting Activities, Solicitation Mailing List.

Global Information Technology Support Services - GITSS, or Global Information Technology Support Services, is a multiple-award contract for IT services that will allow us to provide virtually any IT-related service at the best prices and terms available in Government.

Final Solicitation Documents - sorted by date posted and available for download.

VA Solicitations Index - Opportunities to sell goods and services to VA. Other links, including lease of rooftop antenna space.

Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs - the focal point for Department management and coordination of all matters involving the Congress.

Caseworkers Resource Page - links to available on-line resources related to VA and Congress.

Federal Regulations Significant to Veterans - regulations and legal notices relevant to VA and veterans.

Significant Federal Register Submissions of Interest to Veterans From the 107th Congress - December 2002 - January 2001.

VA Testimony at Congressional Hearings - Chronological List of Department of Veterans Affairs Testimony. List covers 2001-1997, in reverse chronological order.

Veterans Legislation - significant legislation of interest to veterans.

VA Office of Inspector General Vacancy Announcements - Jobs with VA Office of the Inspector General.

VA Office of Inspector General (VAOIG) Home Page - Providing service to veterans, VA employees, and citizens concerned with good Government.

Office of Inspector General Hotline - Report suspected fraud, waste or abuse in VA programs or operations.

Inventory of VA web sites - Externally-compiled list of VA web sites.

Office of Information and Technology - IT planning, security, privacy, performance, acquisitions, partnerships, initiatives, legislation.

Public Affairs & Special Events - press releases, programs, biographies, ceremonies, games, speeches.

Biographies of VA Officials

Fact Sheets, Programs and Issues - facts about the Department of Veterans Affairs, benefit and program information.

Agent Orange and Diabetes - fact sheets, news features, research.

Agent Orange Fact Sheet - Agent Orange was a herbicide used in Vietnam to defoliate trees and remove cover for the enemy. Agent Orange spraying missions were flown in Vietnam between January 1965 and April 1970.

Feature Items & Information - calendar of events, benefits manual, news, speeches, testimony, Veterans Day information, research news, VA history.

VA Office of Public Affairs Distribution List - join or leave the electronic distribution list.

News Releases - includes an archive and search engine.

Scheduled National Events - holidays, sporting events, festivals, tributes, anniversaries.

Benefits Manual / Folleto de Beneficios - in English y Español.

Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization - business opportunities, Center for Veterans Enterprise, contacts, news, programs, accomplishments, conferences.

VA Business Opportunities - marketing your products/services to VA, electronic commerce, registration, programs.

Partners, Veterans Organizations & Vendors - Veterans Service Organizations, state Veterans Affairs offices, information sharing, business partnership opportunities, strategic & capital plans.

State Veterans Affairs Offices - Many states offer services and benefits to veterans. To find out more about a particular state, select it on the map.

Gateway to Strategic & Capital Plans - performance plans, budget summaries, strategic plans, department performance plans, and capital investments.

PCHS-2 - mandatory purchase contracts. Companies, product information and pricing.

Mustard Gas Exposure and Long-Term Health Effects - mustard gas-related compensation claims.

America's Wars - veteran-related statistics on each American war, including mortality predictions.

VA Links Agent Orange and Diabetes - Vietnam veterans with Type-II diabetes will now be eligible for disability compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) based on their presumed exposure to Agent Orange or other herbicides.

Agent Orange and Related Issues - Agent Orange was a herbicide used in Vietnam to defoliate trees and remove cover for the enemy. Agent Orange spraying missions were flown in Vietnam between January 1965 and April 1970.

Disability Compensation - 2002 Rates.

Facts about the Department of Veterans Affairs - The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) was established on March 15, 1989. It succeeded the Veterans Administration and has responsibility for providing federal benefits to veterans and their dependents.

Privacy & Security Statement - The privacy of our customers has always been of utmost importance to the Department of Veterans Affairs. The VA has a long history of protecting your privacy and our concern for your privacy is no different in the electronic age.

Information Collected from E-mails and Web Forms - You can contact us by postal mail, telephone, or electronically, via an on-line form. Before you do, there are a few things you should know.

Activities for Veterans Day - Veterans Day activities afford the schools and the local community an excellent opportunity to produce a variety of cooperative programs.

Arlington National Cemetery - Almost four million people a year visit the national cemetery across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C., where a constant vigil is maintained at the Tomb of the Unknowns.

Attention Educators! - Fourteen essays about America's most beloved national symbols and customs, plus a list of possible school activities for Veterans Day. Teachers will find them useful as handouts and to plan curricular material.

The American Bald Eagle - The bald eagle has been the national bird of the United States since 1782, when it was placed with outspread wings on the Great Seal of our country. It appears in many government institutions and on official documents, making it the most pictured bird in all of America.

The United States Flag - The flag of the United States is one of the oldest national standards in the world.

Guidelines for Display of the Flag - Public Law 94-344, known as the Federal Flag Code, contains rules for handling and displaying the U.S. Flag.

Gun Salutes - Today, the firing of guns is seen as a great honor bestowed upon both military and political officials. Firing guns at the approach of a party, demonstrates not only welcome but respect and trust.

Flying the American Flag at Half-Staff - When should the flag be flown at half-staff?

The Origins of Memorial Day - Three years after the Civil War ended, the head of an organization of former Union soldiers and sailors established Decoration Day as a time for the nation to decorate the graves of the war dead with flowers.

The National Cemetery System - National cemeteries in the United States for military veterans and service members began during the Civil War, near the battlefields, military hospitals and campgrounds of the war.

"Old Glory" - The name "Old Glory" was first applied to the U.S. flag by a young sea captain who lived in Salem, Mass.

The Pledge of Allegiance - Thirty-one words which affirm the values and freedom that the American flag represents are recited while facing the flag as a pledge of Americans' loyalty to their country.

"The Star-Spangled Banner" - This patriotic song, whose words were written by Francis Scott Key on Sept. 14, 1814, during the War of 1812 with Great Britain, was adopted by Congress as the U.S. national anthem in 1931.

The Story of Taps - The 24-note melancholy bugle call known as "taps" is thought to be a revision of a French bugle signal, called "tattoo," that notified soldiers to cease an evening's drinking and return to their garrisons.

The Origins of Veterans Day - In 1921, an unknown World War I American soldier was buried in Arlington National Cemetery. This site, on a hillside overlooking the Potomac River and the city of Washington, became the focal point of reverence for America's veterans.

Veterans and the Department of Veterans Affairs - Over many years the United States has passed laws that guarantee services or monetary aid programs to repay veterans for their sacrifices. Including their family members, about one-third of Americans (70 million people) are eligible for VA benefits.

Federal Benefits for Veterans and Dependents - 1997 Edition.

Veterans Day Guide - study guide for students and educators.

Veterans Day - How It Was Named - In 1921, an American soldier-his name "known but to God"-was buried on a Virginia hillside overlooking the Potomac River and the city of Washington.

Veterans Day School Kit - online version of printed kit.

History Of Veterans Day - Official recognition of the end of the first modern global conflict -- World War I - - was made in a concurrent resolution (44 Stat. 1982) enacted by Congress on June 4, 1926.

Directives Management System - Department-wide policies, procedures and guidance.

Publications Index - VA manuals.

Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Documents - policies, procedures, requirements and other information.

Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Forms, Publications, and Records Management - manuals, circulars, handbooks, directives, information letters, program guides, memoranda and notices.

Search Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Publications - Word documents, HTML versions and PDF files.

Publications Index - bulletins, circulars, directives, manuals, notices, operating instructions, pamphlets, posters, program guides, training guides, miscellaneous publications.

Readjustment Counseling Service - assisting war veterans and their family members toward a successful post-war adjustment.

Readjustment Counseling Service Vet Center Offices - listed by States and Territories.

VA Research & Development - programs, publications, reports.

For Researchers and Research Administrators - VA research & development organizational updates, guildelines, funding, awards, VA research careers, training.

Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Chief Business Office - billing to and collecting from insurance companies and certain veterans for medical treatment provided for a nonservice-connected condition.

Changes Are Being Made to Outpatient Copayments at the VA - Effective immediately, the outpatient copayment amount will be based on three different tiers of services.

Changes Are Being Made to Medication Copayments - Effective February 4, 2002, the medication copayment amount will increase to $7.00 from the current $2.00 level.

Search the VA Web - basic and advanced search.

Project 112 (Including Project SHAD) - Project SHAD, an acronym for Shipboard Hazard and Defense, was part of a larger effort called Project 112 which was a comprehensive program initiated in 1962, by the Department of Defense (DoD) to protect and defend against potential chemical and biological warfare threats.

Special Programs - disabled veterans, homeless veterans, military services, minority veterans, women veterans, veterans in business.

Facilities and Leadership Directory - browse by administration or U.S. State, view an interactive map, or search for a facility by name.

VA Central Offices - offices at VA Central Office in Washington, DC.

Text Version of the VA Home Page - includes accessibility tips.

The National Veterans Museum - The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has commissioned LORD Cultural Resources and Cannon Design to create a Master Plan for an exciting new museum in the Nation’s capital to open in 2004.

Office of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) - information for those involved with or concerned about employee safety and health.

Board of Veterans' Appeals - Members of the Board review benefit claims determinations made by local VA offices and issue decision on appeals.

Board of Veterans' Appeals Customer Service Program - trained staff available to answer questions about the status of your appeal.

Board of Veterans' Appeals Decisions - online back to 1994.

Veteran Data and Information - social and economic information about veterans, demographical and geographical veteran information, statistical information by veteran program areas and veteran survey information as well as references to other veteran information sites.

Census 2000 Veteran Data - Population information for the approximately 26 million veterans across the United States and Puerto Rico is now available.

Demographics - VA’s official estimate and projection of the veteran population.

Veteran Population State and National Tables - an index of spreadsheets about the U.S. veteran population.

Geographic Distribution of VA Expenditures (GDX) - estimated VA expenditures for major programmatic areas by geographic area (state, county, and congressional district).

Helpful Data Links - Bureau of Labor Statistics, US Census Bureau, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Defense Manpower Data Center, other sources of Federal statistics.

National Survey of Veterans (NSV) - socio-demographic and economic characteristics, military background, health status, VA and non-VA benefit usage, anticipated burial plans, and veterans' information sources regarding VA benefits.

Trend data- 1971-1995 - 25 years of VA data on veteran population, guardianship, life insurance, expenditures, compensation and pension, health care, employment, education and counseling, national cemeteries, veterans' appeals, and loan guaranty.

Lessons of Liberty - learn more about our country and its values, as well as the people that have been called upon to defend its freedom.

National Veterans Creative Arts Festival - music, drama, dance and art for veterans treated in VA medical centers and clinics.

Veterans Industry - vocational rehabilitation program that sub-contracts with industries to provide staffing for information technology, manufacturing, warehousing, construction, office support, retail and the services delivery industry. We also provide outsource support in assembly, packaging, sorting, grading, reclaiming, and recycling.

Veterans Day Home Page - teacher's guide, posters, history, events, organizations, FAQ, anniversaries.

Viewer Software - software to download to your computer to view various file types on the VA Web site.

Stratton VA Medical Center - serves veterans in 22 counties of upstate New York, western Massachusetts and Vermont.

Stratton VA Medical Center Job Bank - All positions are located at the VA Healthcare Network Upstate New York.

Stratton VA Medical Center Human Resources - for employees and job seekers.

Stratton VA Medical Center Employee Services - for employees.

VA Healthcare Network Upstate New York - for job seekers, veterans and their families, and employees.

VA NY/NJ Veterans Healthcare Network Bronx VA Medical Center

VA New York/New Jersey Veterans Healthcare Network - services, medical center and clinic locations.

Voluntary Service - Volunteer NOW! volunteer reports recruitment strategy, learn about VA volunteering, Student Volunteer Program, National Salute to Hospitalized Veterans, Volunteer Transporation Network, corporate volunteerism.

Veterans Service Organizations - view and search for Veterans Service Organizations. Some VSOs are "chartered", which means they are federally chartered and/or recognized or approved by the VA Secretary for purposes of preparation, presentation, and prosecution of claims under laws administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

What's New - new information, laws, web content, reports, reports, statements, guidelines, initiatives, programs and plans.

Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Conference - objectives, agenda, faculty, committee, co-sponsors, exhibitors.

Center for Women Veterans - frequently asked questions, fact sheet, Advisory Committee On Women Veterans, military personnel records, active duty information, Women In Military Service For America Memorial, Vietnam Women's Memorial.

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Reviewed/Updated: September 24, 2002