Physician Regulatory Issues Team (PRIT)Participate In The Medicare Program “It is my goal to simplify the lives of physicians by the elimination of unnecessary regulation, and help make Medicare participation a pleasure rather than a burden.” Dr. William Rogers
Welcome to the Physicians Regulatory Issues Team web site. The PRIT is a team of CMS subject matter experts who work with Dr. William Rogers to reduce the regulatory burden on physicians who participate with the Medicare Program. Dr. Rogers is an Emergency Physician who has practiced for twenty years and has spent most of his career as an Emergency Department Director. In this capacity Dr. Rogers has experienced the frustrations felt by all physicians trying to make an honest living in a very complicated business. Physicians have a special role in our health care system, as they not only care for the health of individual patients, but also help to shape the broad health care delivery system. As the federal Medicare agency, CMS respects the bond of trust between physicians and their patients, and appreciates that we need to support physicians in the leadership they provide in service delivery. The Medicare program and physicians share a common mission, the provision of high quality medical care for patients. Over the past few years, CMS has undertaken aggressive steps to improve our responsiveness to the day to day concerns of practicing physicians. Among these efforts are:
How PRIT WorksCurrent PRIT efforts are one more way to amplify the voice of practicing physicians. As PRIT Director, Dr. William Rogers is in a unique position to hear and facilitate resolution of physician concerns. He has a rigorous calendar of speaking engagements, is active in the physician Open Door Forum and PPAC; plus maintains a close relationship with CMS Regional Offices. As issues emerge, those that cannot be solved by some of the existing venues will be added to the PRIT Tracking report, which will be updated regularly. Send any questions or concerns to: prit@cms.hhs.govLast Modified on Thursday, September 16, 2004
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services