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Musikmesse 2005

Musikmesse 2004

The next International Musikmesse will be held in Frankfurt am Main from April 6 - April 9, 2005

In 2004, the Internationale Musikmesse Frankfurt was able to consolidate its leading position for the international musical instruments industry. More than 1,470 exhibitors displayed their products on 112,000 square meters of exhibition space.

The number of international exhibitors (around 965 of the 1,470 came from outside Germany), and international visitors saw increases of roughly 12 percent each. More than one quarter of the total 65,230 visitors came from abroad.

In 2005, the Internationale Musikmesse Frankfurt will take place from April 6 - April 9. As in the past, the fair will be opened for the trade for three days. The concentration on trade visitors is the result of ongoing restructuring efforts of the trade fair

Commercial Service Contact:

Mr. Volker Wirsdorf,
Commercial Specialist
U.S. Commercial Service, American Consulate General
Siesmayerstr. 21, 60323 Frankfurt, Germany
Tel: 49-69-956204-21
Fax: 49-69-561114