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This page provides a list of links to additional information on invasive species as well as additional information on what is to come for the ISIN website!
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  • The Aliens-L ListServe
    • Aliens-L is a listserver dedicated to alien invasive species, with a focus on those that threaten biodiversity. It allows users to freely seek and share information on alien invasive species and related issues. Participation from all who are interested in the invasive species problem is welcome. (Currently at:
  • The Global Invasive Species Database
    • The Global Invasive Species Database (GISD) has partnered with NBII and contains a searchable database for invasive species. The database is undergoing upgrades and will be continually populated with new information as it becomes available. (Currently at
  • InvasiveSpecies.Gov
  • Invasive species experts database
    • A database of invasive species experts is in the works. (An example modeled after the ESA/NBII Ecological Information Network's (EIN) Expert Database advanced search option is currently available at
  • Invasive species glossary of terms
    • A detailed glossary of terms related to the study and control of invasive species will become available soon.
  • Other NBII node invasive species links
    • California Regional Invasive Species Information System (CRISIS) website.
    • NBII Wildife Diseases Node. Great information on West Nile Virus!
    • More links to invasive species information and products available from other NBII regional nodes will become available soon.
  • Invasive species lists database
    • Invasive species list databases are being developed. Probable species lists will soon become available for counties, states/provinces, regions, management units (e.g. wildlife refuges, nature preserves, national parks etc.) and the United States (see Data & Maps).
  • NatureServe's invasive species page
    • As one of the current conservation issues that demonstrate some of the challenges in our natural world, NatureServe has chosen to include invasive species. They are working in collaboration with NBII and the U.S. Geological Survey to integrate databases on the distribution and condition of native and non-native fish species. Their invasive species page at highlights the overall issue, three species of current concern, and what needs to be done to deal with the invasives problem.
  • Southwest Exotics Mapping Program (SWEMP)
    • The U.S. Geological Survey's SWEMP has been in existence since 1997 and has facilitated the yearly organization and publishing of a regional database and derived maps. It is also sponsored by Northern Arizona University and the National Park Service. The database is updated at least annually and can be downloaded. These data are then accessible for both regional land managers and the global Internet community. Collaborators include federal and state agencies, tribal governments, universities, private consulting firms and other interested parties. The SWEMP data have also been included in the California Information Node's CRISIS Map Project.
  • More links coming soon!
    • Other Ideas, web resources, and links for alternatives to invasive plants and for effective habitat restoration are forthcoming.

Current Biological Issues
Biodiversity | Biology in the News | Bird Conservation | Frogweb: Amphibian Declines & Deformities
Invasive Species | Pollinator Declines | West Nile Virus | Wildlife Disease

This NBII site is developed and maintained by the
Center for Biological Informatics of the U.S. Geological Survey

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