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Acquisition Policy
AMC Procedures & Guidance
APBIs Competition Management
Government Property Intellectual Property Counsel              
Materiel Release Protest Overrides
Quality Control Set-Aside Appeals
Technical & Industrial Liaison Office               Unsolicited Proposals
Waiver & Deviation Requests Warranties

Advance Planning Briefings for Industry (APBI)

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Competition Management

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Government Property

  • POC: AMSAA, 309-782-4093/DSN 793
  • HQ AMC Industry Interface, Testing and Production Management Division has Command policy oversight on all property issues, i.e., providing Government property to contractors, contractor use and rental of the property, leasing of Government property by contractors/private entities, accountability for the property while in the contractor's possession, record keeping, and sale or other disposition of the Government property.

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Intellectual Property Counsel

  • POC: AMCCC-B-IP, 703-806-8255
  • Submit alleged claims, with supporting documentation, to HQ AMC Command Counsel Intellectual Property Branch (AMCCC-B-IP). All claims should be acknowledged by the receiving activity and state only that the matter has been referred to AMCCC-B-IP. The existence of a possible claim shall not be disclosed to anyone outside of the Government without approval from AMCCC-B-IP
  • See the HQ AMC Command Counsel Homepage for Intellectual Property information and guides: Patent Guide, May 97 Cooperative Research & Development Agreements (CRADA) Handbook, Mar 97:
  • See for OSD "Intellectual Property: Navigating Through Commercial Water - Issues and Solutions When Negotiating Intellectual Property with Commercial Companies", 15 Oct 01, Version 1.1

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Materiel Release

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Protest Overrides

  • POC: AMCCP-O, 703-806-8235
  • The Principal Advisor for Procurement (AMCCP) is delegated the authority to approve/disapprove both pre- and post-award override requests for all contracting offices under the jurisdiction of HQ AMC. Submit all requests for override of protests filed at GAO and HQ AMC to HQ AMC Command Counsel Protest Litigation Branch (AMCCC-B-PL).

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Quality Control

  • POC: 703-806-9240
  • HQ AMC oversees all quality assurance issues generated by either the activities or from investigative agencies. The primary focus of this team effort is to preclude defective materiel from entering into the Army supply system and its removal.

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Set-Aside Appeals

  • POC: AMCSB, 703-806-9185
  • POC: AMCCP-P, Send email
  • Appropriate documentation constituting the Contracting Officer's MSC position case file under the signature authority of the PARC can be scanned and sent electronically to HQ AMC Contract Policy Division (AMCCP-P). No hard copies required, electronic submission only. Processing usually requires at least three (3) working days minimum for internal review and necessary coordination with the AMC SADBU and legal counsel prior to submission to HQDA.

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Technical & Industrial Liaison Office

  • POC: 703-806-9235
  • Technical & Industrial Liaison Offices (TILOs) serve as liaison between industry, AMC and the Army. The HQ AMC TILO provides guidance to the field TILOs, oversees unsolicited proposals, publishes the APBI master schedule, and serves as the focal point for industry wishing to do business with AMC, to include dissemination of unclassified sensitive and classified requirements information to registered contractors. The TILO website contains a variety of information including TILO publications and newsletter, listing of releasable requirements documents, Government/industry briefings, solicitation information, and AMC/MSC TILO directories.

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Unsolicited Proposals

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Waiver & Deviation Requests

  • POC: AMCCP-P, 703-806-8169
  • Submit individual or class deviations prepared under one of the five regulatory exceptions through contracting channels to HQ AMC Office of Command Procurement (AMCCP-P) for processing and submission to HQDA for approval.

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  • POC: 703-806-9220
  • POC: AMCCP-P, Send email
  • The law, (10 USC 2403), regarding waivers for weapon systems warranties was repealed in Nov 97 by the NDAA for FY98-99. AR 700-139, Army Warranty Program Concepts and Policies, is currently undergoing a major revision. The current draft revision of the AR states:
    • "All Army Acquisition Organizations that wish to use a warranty will institute procedures to determine the cost-effectiveness, (AR 11-18 and AR 11-28), of warranties. Prior to negotiating a warranty, a cost-effectiveness analysis will be required to determine the value of the potential benefits received in comparison to the contract cost of the warranty, plus the Army's cost of administration and execution."
    The exact wording may change before the AR is published. In addition, AMC as the Army Warranty Program Executive Agent, will require that the cost-effectiveness analysis become part of the contract files for future reference.

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