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Former Volunteers
Crisis Corps
Putut your Peace Corps experience to work.
Your Peace Corps service has ended, but the Peace Corps still needs you! Former Volunteers have the language, technical, and cross-cultural skills to make an effective contribution in the most challenging environments. The Crisis Corps is a Peace Corps program that mobilizes former Peace Corps Volunteers to help countries address critical needs on a short-term basis.
Through the Crisis Corps, Volunteers re-enroll in the Peace Corps for short-term assignments ranging from three to six months. The Crisis Corps maintains a database of COSing Volunteers and returned Peace Corps Volunteers interested in Crisis Corps work. When requests come in for Crisis Corps Volunteers, we search the database for candidates with the appropriate skills. We conduct telephone interviews with the candidates and check references from Peace Corps staff. If a candidate has been out of the Peace Corps for more than one year or has other relevant work experience, we also check professional references.
It is particularly important that a candidate be able to work independently, with minimal support from Peace Corps staff. As with any Peace Corps assignment, candidates must be medically and legally cleared. We make every effort to have a Crisis Corps Volunteer at post within eight weeks of receiving a finalized position description. The positions are competitive and placement of candidates depends on required technical skills, availability, and references. If you see a position advertised and have not been contacted, please contact the Crisis Corps office.
Crisis Corps Volunteers generally receive the same allowances and benefits as Peace Corps Volunteers, including round-trip transportation, living and readjustment allowances, and medical care. To become a Crisis Corps Volunteer, you must have completed at least one year of Peace Corps service, excluding training, and be medically and legally cleared for service.
Open Positions
Find out where Crisis Corps Volunteers are needed now.
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Recent Projects
Learn about recent Crisis Corps initiatives in HIV/AIDS, disaster relief, and humanitarian response.
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