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Life is calling. How far will you go?
Former Volunteers
Hotlineotline is a bulletin of employment and educational opportunities for returned Peace Corps Volunteers that is published twice a month. It is available both online and in print.
Each issue includes resources related to career, education, reverse culture shock, and/or Third Goal activities. Hotline contains job announcements from employers who are specifically interested in hiring returned Volunteers and announcements from educational institutions who are looking to enroll returned Volunteers in educational programs. You'll also find relevant information about career and job search workshops, Peace Corps Fellows/USA program updates and Coverdell World Wise Schools information.
All returned Volunteers residing in the United States receive a free Hotline subscription by mail for two years after Close of Service (COS). Returned Volunteers will begin to receive Hotline about six to eight weeks after the readjustment allowance arrives.
Current Issue
View the current issue. This file is in PDF format and requires the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Past Issues
Read Hotline issues back to June 2000.
Post a Job
Submit a job announcement to be included in future a issue of Hotline.
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