Photo of Bald Eagle Learn More To USFWS
To USFWS To Region 3
An American Success Story
How Many Eagles Are There
How Are Eagles Protected?
See Eagles Here

Bald Eagles and their history are fascinating . 
Follow the links below to find out more about bald eagle biology, DDT, people who work to protect and conserve eagles, and more.

Bald Eagle Nesting Seasons in the Lower 48 States

Bald Eagle Facts - National Wildlife Federation

Endangered Animals Center

DDT - Information about the pesticide DDT

Rachel Carson and DDT

Endangered Legacy - Reclaiming the significance of Rachel Carson's life and work (this is a .pdf file)

Audubon's Center for Birds of Prey

Southwestern Raptor Rehabilitation Center

The Peregrine Fund's World Center for Birds of Prey

The Raptor Center














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