US Fish and Wildlife Service USFWS Refuge System
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Farms are great places to see wildlife - not only because of the vast open space, but also for the availability of food. Many farmers use propane cannons and other methods to keep wildlife off of their crops, but Salt Plains NWR uses farming as a method to feed wildlife.

Salt Plains Wildlife
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Moist-soil Mgmt.
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Geese on Field
Luna Moth
Mark Trail Comics
Refuge farm fields provide geese and cranes with a place to feed and rest along their migration route. - FWS Photo
Luna Moth - FWS Photo

The refuge doesn't feed wildlife to draw them to the refuge - the animals are already here. Farming is a supplement to natural foods; increasing the food that the habitat supplies to the animals. In addition, it allows a safe resting spot for migrating waterfowl and helps to keep them off private farm fields.

Each winter, 1100 acres of the refuge are farmed with wheat. This wheat will help migrating geese and cranes rest and feed as they move through the area.

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Cowpeas, millet and sunflowers are three of the other species that the refuge farms during the year. These are high energy foods for migrating ducks.

The food that wildlife eats during migration plays a specific role in the life stage of the

White-tailed Deer Buck
Mallard Drake
White-tailed Deer can frequently be seen feeding in farm fields along the auto tour. The level of nutrition that they receive throughout the year plays a large part in fall antler growth. - FWS Photo
Mallard Drake - FWS Photo
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migrant. Foods high in fats and proteins will give the bird enough energy to fly south, as well as develop breeding plumage needed to attract a mate. As they fly north in the spring, waterfowl will be preparing to nest. Wildlife body mass must have just the right combination of lipids and carbohydrates in order to lay eggs when they get to their nesting grounds. Then, at their nesting sites, they have to have the proper nutrition to feed their young and undergo their molt as they prepare for the next migration.

Farming is a part of providing what wildlife need, but must work in conjunction with moist-soil mgmt to fill all dietary needs. With smaller acreage of habitat required to feed large numbers of wildlife, farming is essential for healthy wildlife populations.

Franklin's Gull
Franklin's Gull - FWS Photo

Wildlife WebCams
Great Horned Owl
NY Bald Eagle
MA Bald Eagle
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