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VetPop2001 Adjusted to Census 2000 (Vetpop2000Adj) 

VetPop2001Adj is VA’s new official estimate and projection of the veteran population as of 9-30-02.  It revises and replaces the estimate and projection in VetPop2001. 

Basic data on veterans from the 2000 Census became available only after the release of VetPop2001 in May 2002.  Because Census 2000 data are used extensively and are widely accepted as the standard by which other data are evaluated, the Office of the Actuary adjusted estimates of the veteran population from VetPop2001 to data from Census 2000, resulting in VetPop2001Adj. The adjustment was made by creating a new baseline at April 1, 2000, the date of the 2000 Census; projections were then carried forward from the new baseline, using the model in the original VetPop2001.

VetPop2001Adj provides a projection of the veteran population at the state level to 2030 by age, sex and period of service, and includes such important variables as VA disability status, degree of disability, and officer/enlisted status, at the national level.  An estimate and projection for counties and VISNs (to 2025) by age and gender are also provided. 

Information about the adjustment procedures, along with other technical information and instructions on accessing the data are provided in the accompanying documentation.  A full understanding of the data requires the user to read the documentation.  We recommend starting with “General Information.”

Although VetPop2001Adj supersedes VetPop2001 and VetPop2000, data and documentation from them are included on this website because:

  • they serve to preserve the historical record;

  • documentation for VetPop2001 and VetPop2000 is helpful in understanding VetPop2001Adj;VetPop2001 consists of more variables (marital status and minor dependents; military retiree status; and race/ethnicity) than VetPop2001Adj; 

  • the user can, for example, look at the distributions of these additional variables from VetPop2001 and apply them to the timely estimate or projection from VetPop2001Adj to derive an estimate or projection of the veteran population by these characteristics.

Excel 97 (or a later version) is required to make use of the pivot table function with these data.


General Information


Basic (the Data): 

  • State and National  (VetPop2001Adj)
  • Counties   (Living Veterans)   (Veteran Deaths)
  • VISN  (Living Veterans)   (Veteran Deaths)
  • Special Topics 

    Veteran Population Projection Adjusted to Census 2000 and Implications for CARES  (PowerPoint)

    VetPop2001 (posted for historical purposes)

    VetPop2000 (posted for historical purposes)

    Data on the Socioeconomic Status of Veterans and on VA Program Usage (May 2001)

    This document is a PowerPoint presentation with tables, charts, and bullet statements providing information from: the Census Bureau and other sources on veterans’ income, employment status, health insurance coverage, poverty status, incarceration, homelessness, nursing home residence and mental health; and VA administrative files on selected program usage and trends in healthcare, education, and disability benefits, and home loan guarantees.

    Data on Asian/Pacific Islander Veterans

    This document is a compendium of information on the Asian/Pacific Islander veterans, their demographic and socio-economic characteristics, and their use of VA Programs. Data used are from the 1990 Census (2000 Census data on veterans will be available in 2002/03); VA’s Patient Treatment and Outpatient Files; and published DoD reports.

    Data on Veterans of the Korean War, June 2000

    This document was prepared in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the Korean War.  It is a compendium of historical facts and data on the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of Korean War veterans and their use of VA programs. (VetPop2000 data are not used in this document).


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    Reviewed/Updated: March 26, 2004