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Technology Needs Web Watch Mission Planning Guidelines
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Web Watch
Web Watch is a new feature! Each week, we focus on a topic of interest to the scientific and technical community and give you an annotated guide to relevant Web sites.
Bullet Read the current Web Watch entry
 Technology Needs
Bullet Bioastronautics Technology Needs (2004) (117kb, Adobe Acrobat Reader required)
Bullet NASA Technology Readiness Levels (14kb, Adobe Acrobat Reader required)
Bullet NASA Research and Development Degree of Difficulty (9kb, Adobe Acrobat Reader required)
Bullet Table of technology needs (2000) (70kb, Adobe Acrobat Reader required)
Bullet Nano-scale technology needs (29kb, Adobe Acrobat Reader required)
Other Documents
      Bullet ATIG brochure (246kb, Adobe Acrobat Reader required)
      Bullet Space and Life Sciences Directorate overview (314kb, Adobe Acrobat Reader required)
        - Advanced Human Support Technologies brochure (316kb, Adobe Acrobat Reader required)
        - Biomedical Research and Countermeasures brochure (308kb, Adobe Acrobat Reader required)
        - Space Medicine brochure (267kb, Adobe Acrobat Reader required)
 Mission Planning Guidelines
     A comprehensive decision-making tool for designing or planning a human space flight mission
      Bullet Mission Guidelines and Capabilities (674kb, Adobe Acrobat Reader required)
      Bullet Crew Accommodations Resource Model, a spreadsheet that calculates mass and volume (185kb, Excel required)
      Bullet The View from Earth Versus the View from Mars, human requirements for an exploration-class mission (21kb, Adobe Acrobat Reader required)
      Bullet Crew/Automation Interaction in Space Transportation Systems, lessons learned from the glass cockpit (53kb, Adobe Acrobat Reader required)
General NASA Information JSC Organizations
Bullet NASA Headquarters Bullet NASA's Johnson Space Center (JSC)
Bullet Biological and Physical Research Bullet JSC Space and Life Sciences Directorate
Bullet Senior Advisor to the Administrator Bullet JSC Medical Operations
Bullet NASA Today (news in science and technology) Bullet JSC Advanced Life Support
Bullet NASA Fact Sheets Bullet JSC Technology Transfer and Commercialization
Bullet NASA Human Spaceflight
Technology-Related Sites Just for Teachers and Students
Bullet Critical Path Roadmap Bullet Spacelink
Bullet NASA Technology Portal Bullet JSC Virtual Astronaut
Bullet NASA Office of the Chief Technologist Bullet Education Shortcuts at NASA JSC
Bullet NASA Technology Plan Bullet Human Physiology in Space (online textbook)
Bullet NASA Robonaut
Bullet Human Research Facility
Bullet JSC Advanced Technology Development Office
Facilities and Labs Related Organizations
Bullet Sensors 2000! Program Bullet National Space Biomedical Research Institute
Bullet NASA Intelligent Systems Program Bullet Universities Space Research Association
Image of Small Blue Diamond Bullet Smart Systems Research Laboratory at Ames Bullet NASA Commercial Space Centers
Image of Small Blue Diamond Bullet Nanotechnology Team at Ames Bullet Medical Informatics and Technology Applications Consortium
Image of Small Blue Diamond Bullet Human Factors Division at Ames Bullet Texas Space Grant Consortium
Bullet Life Sciences Division at Ames Bullet National Biocomputation Center
Bullet Ames Psychophysiological Research Facility Bullet UTHSC-Houston, Department of Health Informatics
Bullet Ames Neuro Engineering Lab Bullet Bioscience and Engineering Glenn Initiative
Online Resources and Databases
Bullet Life Sciences Data Archive
Bullet Spaceline (database of space and ground-based life sciences research)
Bullet NASA's Scientific and Technical Information Center
Bullet Human Computer Interaction resources
Funding Announcements
Bullet Funding Facts (introduction to NASA funding mechanisms and short list of relevant NASA sites)

Author: SL/S. Alyssa Mueller -
Curator: SL/David Kiss -
Responsible NASA Official: SL/Don Stilwell -
This site was last updated: October 5, 2004

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