Careers at Argonne

Argonne National Laboratory

Career Opportunities at Argonne

Argonne National Laboratory hires top-quality staff who find personal and professional fulfillment in their work.

Job Openings and other Opportunities

  • Full- and part-time job openings at Argonne are searchable online. Each position description includes instructions for applying.
  • The Argonne Named Postdoctoral Fellowship – These postdoctoral fellowships are awarded internationally to outstanding doctoral scientists and engineers who are at early points in promising careers.
  • Postdoctoral/Predoctoral Openings – Postdoctoral/Predoctoral positions that are available within different divisions throughout the Laboratory.
  • Student and Faculty Programs – Opportunities for domestic and international participants interested in energy research and training in science and technology.
  • Temporary Services Program – These employees are a group of skilled and experienced office support personnel who work on an on-call basis.

Frequently asked questions about job openings

Affirmative Action

The success of Argonne National Laboratory is directly related to its ability to recruit, develop and retain highly qualified people from diverse backgrounds. Argonne's Diversity Program Office works in partnership with management and employees to create an environment where the diverse talents of all employees are fully used and where each individual is valued for his or her uniqueness and contributions. Total commitment to equal employment opportunity for all people is a continuing fundamental policy of the Laboratory.

The University of Chicago U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science - Department of Energy
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