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Peace Corps
About the Peace Corps
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What Do Volunteers Do?

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What's It Like to Volunteer?

How Do I Become a Volunteer?

Who Volunteers?
College Students
People of Color
Older Applicants
Married Couples
Transition Points

What are the Benefits?

What About Safety?

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Life is calling. How far will you go?
About the Peace Corps
Who Volunteers?
Older Applicants
"It's a wonderful way to 'give back' and at the same time continue to gain valuable benefits for yourself. Peace Corps life is always full of surprises, so life continues to be interesting. But probably most of all, when we get to the autumn of our lives, it's important to still have a sense of purpose." -Judith Frey (China 2001-2003)
Your adventures are only just beginning.
Older Americans contribute tremendously to Peace Corps programs all over the globe. No single group has more to offer in terms of experience, maturity, and demonstrated ability.
Many older Volunteers find their age to be an asset while serving overseas. You will have the opportunity to share a lifetime of work and wisdom with people of developing nations who respect and appreciate age. And because there's no upper age limit to serve, it's never too late—Volunteers who are well into their eighties have served and continue to serve.
As an older Volunteer, you may have some concerns about health care, safety, and financial obligations. Here's what we want you to know.
Learn about the many benefits and rewards older Volunteers gain from Peace Corps service.
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  If you think you're ready to join, you can click here to apply now.
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