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Trade News

bullet  Trade News from 2003
bullet  Trade News from 2002

Trade Data

Data Available
FAS provides a host of statistics and other data about agricultural trade from a number of different sources.

The FAS Production, Supply and Distribution (PS&D) online database contains current and historical official USDA data on production, supply and distribution of agricultural commodities for the United States and key producing and consuming countries. Users may select from a menu of pre-defined tables categorized by commodity or commodity group.

Import & Export Data
U.S. export/import data is available from FAS databases in two different forms:
  • BICO Reports provides bulk, intermediate, and consumer-oriented agricultural product data in both a calendar or fiscal year format.
  • U.S. Trade Reports provides a more comprehensive commodity by commodity breakdown of exports and imports over a two- or five-year period.

Databases of Foreign Agricultural Trade of the United States (FATUS) are available in MS Excel spreadsheet format from USDA's Economic Research Service. These include the following:

Market Reports
FAS provides a number of world market and commodity analysis reports:
Fact Sheets
USDA provides analyses of what's at stake for world trade and agriculture:
U.S. Ag Trade Trade Policy Agreements News & Data Trade Trends Start Trading!

Last modified: Wednesday, March 24, 2004