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Page Header: Start Trading
Link: U.S. Ag Trade Link: Trade Policy Link: Trade agreements Link: Trade news & data Link: Trade trends Link: Start trading!

Start Trading

Finding new markets overseas, increasing profits, expanding production, these are just a few of the benefits of agricultural trade. But as with everything so full of rewards, participating in international trade doesn't just happen. Here are some resources to help you take the first step.

bullet  Exporting--Getting Started

A great resource for anyone who is not currently involved with international trade but is thinking of expanding into overseas markets. There are also helpful tools for those already trading and want to expand.

bullet  Are You Ready to Export?

Are you ready to meet the challenges and rewards of exporting? This short interactive quiz can help you find out.

bullet  Links for Exporters

A list of links from across the Federal government with information for exporters

bullet  Export.gov

The official export portal site of the U.S. government, this site contains multiple resources for exporters from many different agencies. 


U.S. Ag Trade Trade Policy Agreements News & Data Trade Trends Start Trading!

Last modified: Friday, November 07, 2003