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    (1) The insecticide C14H9Cl5; (2) any of a group of similar chemicals
    An organism which gains energy by breaking down the final remains of living things. Predominantly bacteria and fungi, decomposers are important in freeing the last of minerals and nutrients from organics and recycling them back into the food web. See also decomposition; compare detrivore.
    The biochemical process where biological materials are broken down into smaller particles and eventually into basic chemical compounds and elements. See also decomposer.
    Sinking to or inhabiting the ocean bottom
    Dead organic matter of plant or animal. See also detrivore.
    An organism that feeds on large bits of dead and decaying organic matter. What detrivores leave behind is used by decomposers. Crabs and seabirds are examples of detrivores. Compare decomposer; see also detritus.
    Department of Fisheries and Oceans (Canada)
    Microscopic algae with plate-like structures composed of silica.
Divergent Evolution
    The evolution of one species to a number of different forms. Compare convergent evolution; see also evolution.
    Genetic variations that allow a population to use a wider array of environments, protect against short-term spatial or temporal changes in the environment and survive long-term environmental changes.
    Deoxyribonucleic acid, the primary genetic material of a cell that makes up genes and chromosomes. See also genes, chromosome.
    The Department of Commerce (DOC or DoC) promotes job creation, economic growth, sustainable development and improved living standards for all Americans by working in partnership with business, universities, communities. One of DOC's goals is: Provide effective management and stewardship of the nation's resources and assets to ensure sustainable economic opportunities. NOAA is one of the Department of Commerce's organizations.
    United States Department of the Interior
Domestic Selection
    Adaptation of a population to the hatchery environment which may diminish adaptation of the population to the natural environment.
    (1) Captivity (e.g. being reared in a hatchery) (2) the genetic, physiological or bevahioral changes that may occur in captivity
Domoic Acid
    A water-soluble amino acid, domoic acid is a deadly neurotoxin produced by some algae (from Japanese domoi = seaweed, in which it is sometimes concentrated); see ASP
    Upper side of a fish's body (opposite of ventral)
Dover Sole
    Microstomus pacificus
Dungeness Crab
    Cancer magister

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last modified 06/07/2004

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