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National Threat Assessment Center

National Threat Assessment Center Logo The Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC) was created to provide leadership and guidance to the emerging field of threat assessment. Specifically, NTAC will offer timely, realistic, useful, and effective advice to law enforcement and other professionals and organizations with responsibilities to investigate and/or prevent targeted violence.

Building on a recent operational study of U.S. assassins, attackers, and near-lethal approachers of public officials, NTAC will develop and provide threat assessment training and conduct operational research relevant to public official, workplace, stalking/domestic, and school-based violence. In addition, NTAC will offer its assistance to organizations interested in developing threat assessment programs.


Insider Threat Study
In collaboration with CERT/CC of Carnegie Mellon University, the Secret Service is developing the Critical Systems Protection Initiative (CSPI). The goal of this program is to develop a refined cyber security prevention and response capability in support of both investigative and protective missions. One important component of the CSPI is the Insider Threat Study, which will analyze the physical and online behavior of insiders prior to and during network compromises. The insider who already has access to systems can potentially be the most dangerous. The U.S. Secret Service foresees the applicability of this program in assisting private industry to evaluate and manage a potential problem before it happens.
More on the Insider Threat Study ...

As part of the Insider Threat Study, the U.S. Secret Service and CERT/CC are conducting an anonymous survey of critical infrastructure sector organizations. The purpose of the survey is to collect information about the current prevalence of insider cases across all critical infrastructure sectors. For more information on the anonymous survey, please visit their Web site:


Secret Service Safe School Initiative
As part of its mission to provide leadership and guidance in the prevention of instances of targeted violence, the National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC) initiated a data-based research project to examine the incidents of school-based attacks. Since September 1999 NTAC staff have been conducting the Safe School Initiative, an operational study of 37 U.S. school shootings involving 41 perpetrators, that have occurred over the past 25 years.
More on the Safe School Initiative ...


Skip Past Publications
Threat Assessment
pdf document Protective Intelligence & Threat Assessment Investigations "A Guide for State and Local Law Enforcement Officials" (194K)
pdf document Threat Assessment: An Approach to Prevent Targeted Violence (243K)
pdf document Threat Assessment: Defining an Approach for Evaluating Risk of Targeted Violence (3.2M)
Assassination / Targeted Violence Against Public Officials and Public Figures
pdf document Assassination in the United States: An Operational Study of Recent Assassins, Attackers, and Near Lethal Approaches (5.7M)
pdf document Protective Intelligence & Threat Assessment Investigations "A Guide for State and Local Law Enforcement Officials" (194K)
pdf document Threat Assessment: An Approach to Prevent Targeted Violence (243K)
Targeted Violence in Schools
pdf document Final Report and Findings: Implications for Prevention of School Attacks in the United States (271K)
pdf document Threat Assessment in Schools: A Guide to Managing Threatening Situations and to Creating Safe School Climates (185K)
pdf document USSS Safe School Initiative: An Interim Report on the Prevention of Targeted Violence in Schools (390K)
pdf document Evaluating Risk for Targeted Violence in Schools (80K)
html document Chicago Sun Times
Deadly Lessons - School shooters tell why
Targeted Violence in the Judiciary
html document Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences
Preventing Targeted Violence Against Judicial Officials and Courts
pdf document Assassination in the United States: An Operational Study of Recent Assassins, Attackers, and Near Lethal Approaches (5.7M)
Terrorism / Extremist Group Violence
pdf document Assessing Threats of Targeted Group Violence: Contributions from Social Psychology (160K)


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