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Congressional Testimony

This site is a comprehensive compilation of all testimonies delivered by the Department of Commerce during the 106th, 107th and 108th Congresses.

Department of Commerce Testimony -- 108th Congress
(Arranged in reverse chronological order)

Department of Commerce Testimony -- 107th Congress
(Arranged in reverse chronological order)

Department of Commerce Testimony -- 106th Congress
(Arranged in reverse chronological order)

Note: We have, in most instances, posted the testimony in HTML format. For those instances where they are posted in PDF, you will need Adobe® Acrobat®.
(Obtain a free copy of the Adobe® Acrobat® Reader, here.)

Unless otherwise stated, testimony in PDF format are accurate images of the testimonies given before the Congress, but cannot be searched for words. HTML testimonies can be searched for words.

Office Contact:
Michael Levitt
Lois Oliff
202/482-3151 Voice
202/482-0512 fax
Legislation & Regulations
Herbert C. Hoover Building
14th & Constitution Avenue, NW
Room 5876
Washington, DC. 20230

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