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Office of The Chief Counsel
for Industry and Security

The Chief Counsel for Industry and Security and the attorneys and support staff who work with him provide legal services to the Commerce Department's Bureau of Industry and Security ("BIS")(formerly the Bureau of Export Administration). BIS plays a central role in advancing the nation's security, foreign policy, and defense industrial base interests. BIS activities include:

  • Administering and enforcing U.S. export controls on dual-use items (items with both a civilian and a military or proliferation-related use)
  • Enforcing laws prohibiting U.S. persons from participation in foreign boycotts
  • Cooperating with other countries on export control and strategic trade issues
  • Assisting U.S. industry to comply with international arms control agreements
  • Monitoring the health of the U.S. defense industrial base
  • Promoting federal initiatives and public-private partnerships across industry sectors to protect the nation's critical infrastructures

Office Description
Attorneys in the Office of Chief Counsel for Industry and Security ("OCC-IS") practice over a broad range of disciplines and responsibilities. OCC-IS activities include:

Enforcement (litigation)

  • Representing BIS in administrative enforcement cases before Administrative Law Judges
  • Assisting Assistant U.S. Attorneys in the prosecution of criminal export control cases
  • Advising BIS's criminal investigators on issues such as the use of police powers, including search and seizure, firearms, arrest, and surveillance methods
  • Working with the Department of Justice in defending court challenges relating to BIS programs.

Licensing and Policy

  • Counseling BIS on legal and policy issues relating to export licensing and antiboycott compliance issues
  • Reviewing and interpreting regulations maintained by BIS, including the Export Administration Regulations
  • Drafting and reviewing proposed legislation relating to BIS's work
  • Advising and participating in BIS's international cooperation programs
  • Providing legal support to BIS's defense industrial base programs
  • Assisting in assessments of the national security implications of foreign takeovers of U.S. companies and the effect of imports on the national security.

The Chief Counsel, Jon A. Dyck, and the Deputy Chief Counsel, Roman W. Sloniewsky, lead a team of approximately 20 lawyers and support staff to provide BIS legal services.


Office Contact:
Roman Sloniewsky
202-482-5301 Voice
202-482-0085 fax
Industry and Security
U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Avenue, NW
Room 3841
Washington, DC 20230

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