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U.S. Department of Commerce
Office of General Counsel


Jane Dana PhotoThe mission of the Office of the General Counsel is to provide legal services for the Department of Commerce. General Counsel is the chief legal and ethics officer for the Department. Jane T. Dana is currently the acting General Counsel and Deputy General Counsel. A small front office staff and an Executive Office support the General Counsel as well as the OGC legal offices. The Executive Office provides administrative support for the Office of the General Counsel, including procurement, human resources advice, computer troubleshooting, financial management, and security liaison.

More about Deputy General Counsel Jane T. Dana...

Deputy General Counsel Jane T. Dana is the principal assistant to the General Counsel. Read a brief bio, here!

Office Description
The General Counsel is the chief legal officer of the Department and legal advisor to the Secretary, Secretarial Officers and other officers of the Department, including heads of operating units. He directs the operation of ten offices that report directly to him and also provides legal and policy direction to four additional legal offices, which receive their funding and personnel allocations from their bureaus (the Patent and Trademark Office, the Economic Development Administration, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.) The General Counsel also serves as the Department’s Designated Agency Ethics Official.

Office Contact:
Jane T. Dana

202/482-4772 Voice
202/482-0042 Fax
Office of General Counsel
Herbert C. Hoover Building
14th & Constitution Avenue, NW
Room 5870
Washington, DC. 20230


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