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Licensing Opportunities

Patents and Copyrights
Partnering Mechanisms
Small Business Resources
Success Stories
R&D 100 Awards As part of our commitment to the transfer of technology beyond the Laboratory, TT coordinates Laboratory participation in the annual R&D 100 Awards competition.
Outstanding Innovation Awards

The annual Patent and Licensing Awards to honor employees who have received patents and royalty income from patented and copyrighted work during the past year.

Energy 100 Awards The DOE Energy 100 Awards honor one hundred discoveries and innovations from the Department of Energy's finest scientific innovations that have resulted in improvements for American consumers between 1977 and 2000.
The FLC encourages participation in the technology transfer process through its awards program. Each year, groups and individuals are honored by the FLC for their work in projects that advance the mission of technology transfer. Los Alamos National Laboratory received the Laboratory of the Year Award in 2001.

Operated by the University of California for the US Department of Energy
Office of Technology Transfer | Technology Partnerships Working Group

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Last Modified : 6/20/02

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