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Entrepreneurial Resources

Licensing Opportunities
Patents and Copyrights
Partnering Mechanisms
Small Business Resources
Success Stories

Moving an invention from the lab to the marketplace is an exciting undertaking, but it can be daunting.  A useful technology is just the starting point, a necessary but not sufficient condition for forming a successful company.  The process of forming a company, however, is not a mystery and there are many sources of information available to help the inventor.  Below are a few links to get the new entrepreneur started. In addition, the staff of TT is available to assist in commercialization efforts of LANL technologies.

  Indicates a resource specific to New Mexico.

Protecting Intellectual Property
Writing a Business Plan
Identifying Markets
Raising Funds
General Support

Protecting Intellectual Property

Writing a Business Plan

Identifying Markets



   Information Technology


Raising Funds

   Technology Development


   Angel Investors

   Venture Capital


   Forming a Corporation


General Support

New Mexico

 Los Alamos
Santa Fe


While these links may prove helpful, they should not be construed as a recommendation or endorsement of any business enterprise. Entrepreneurs should carefully evaluate the soundness of business advice and the terms of any offers for appropriateness to their specific situation.

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Operated by the University of California for the US Department of Energy
Office of Technology Transfer | Technology Partnerships Working Group

TT Only | Science and Technology | Library | Copyright © UC | For conditions of use see Disclaimer

Last Modified : 3/12/04