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Fuel Cell Research at Los Alamos National Laboratory (pdf)

Genealogy of Northern New Mexico's InfoMesa (pdf)

How Newly Minted MBAs Help Turn Scientists into Entrepreneurs(TechComm pdf)

How to Develop a Relationship with the National Labs (pdf) —printed with permission from R&D Magazine

HyTeP–A New Mexico Hydrogen Cluster Opportunity Assessment (pdf)

"Ideas that Change the World" featured in New Mexico Business Journal

Industrial Business Development Division FY 2002 (pdf)

Industrial Business Development Division Overview (1-page pdf)

Industrial Business Development Division 2003 Progress Report (pdf)

Industrial Business Development Program Office Progress Report 2000–2001 (pdf)

Intellectual Property: A Laboratory Asset (pdf)

The Laboratory’s Impact on Northern New Mexico Economic Development (8-1/2 X 11) and (11 X 17) (pdf)

LANL Creates Business Opportunities (Alb. Journal North–requires password)

MBA Summer Internships (2004) (6.4Mb pdf)

Patent & Licensing Awards
The 2003 Patent & Licensing Awards (pdf)
The 2002 Patent & Licensing Awards (pdf)
The 2001 Patent & Licensing Awards (pdf)
The 2000 Patent & Licensing Awards (pdf)

The 1999 Patent & Licensing Awards (pdf)
The 1998 Patent & Licensing Awards (pdf)

R&D; 100 Recognition Awards June 2004 (pdf)

Success Stories (pdfs)
Advanced Realtime Technologies

Technology Commercialization Office (pdf)

Technology Transfer Mechanisms (pdf)

Turning Ideas into Practice: How to Access Homeland Security R&D from Public Institutions (ppt and pdf)

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Operated by the University of California for the US Department of Energy
Office of Technology Transfer | Technology Partnerships Working Group

TT Only | Science and Technology | Library | Copyright © UC | For conditions of use see Disclaimer

Last Modified : 9/15/04

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