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National Digital Forecast Database Information

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions About NDFD

Q. When will forecast data from the NDFD become available on the Internet as an XML data feed?
A. Forecasts from the NDFD became experimentally available via XML in June 2004.

Q. W hat can I do if none of the 16 predefined NDFD sectors matches the area for which I need forecasts?
A. An experimental web service that provides the capability to download NDFD grids for user-defined domains is now online. See

Q. In what formats can I access NDFD grids?
A. NDFD grids are encoded in WMO standard GRIB v2 format. A downloadable GRIB2 decoder available at can output NDFD grids as shapefiles, netCDF, GrADS, float files, and comma separated variable files.

Q. When will NDFD grids become official products?
A. On December 1, 2004 , selected forecast elements in the NDFD will become official NWS products. On or before September 15, 2004 a public announcement will be made to declare which of the following elements will become official products:

  • Maximum Temperature
  • Minimum Temperature
  • Probability of Precipitation (PoP12)
  • Weather
  • Sky Cover
  • Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts (QPF)
  • Wind Direction
  • Wind Speed
  • Snow Amount
  • Temperature
  • Dewpoint
  • Significant Wave Height

Q. How frequently are the updates to the NDFD gridded data made available?
A. The gridded forecast products in the NDFD are updated once per hour.

Q. Where can I find NDFD verification scores?
A. An initial set of quality assessment information for the NDFD gridded forecasts is available at:  

Q. Where in NDFD do I find information on past weather?  
A. The NDFD currently contains only forecast data. A good place to look for historical observational data is the National Climatic Data Center at: or

Q. At what times are NDFD forecasts updated? What can I do if they are missing?
Our target is to provide an updated set of forecast grids by the top of each hour. During periods of high-volume, updates are sometimes delayed until 5-10 minutes after the hour. Please contact the staff at the NWS Telecommunications Operations Center (TOC) for questions or problems regarding data access, and availability. The phone number of the TOC is 301-713-0902. The TOC is staffed 24 hours per day, 7 days a week including holidays, to provide customer support for the NDFD data disseminated via the ftp and http protocols.

Q. Why are there sometimes holes in the NDFD mosaics?
NWS forecast offices attempt to provide forecasts to the NDFD in a timely fashion. On an average day, 5-10% of all offices in the CONUS fail to provide grids for all required elements and times.

Q. Why do I sometimes see unnatural discontinuities in the NDFD grids?
Each forecast office prepares gridded forecasts for a specific area of responsibility. When these locally generated forecasts are merged into a national mosaic, occasionally lines of discontinuity will be evident. Staff at NWS forecast offices attempt to resolve discontinuities along the boundaries of the forecasts using forecast tools that identify and resolve these differences. We are making progress in this area, and recognize that this is an area in which we still need to improve.

Q. W here can I find information on the weather text strings in NDFD grids?
A. The abbreviations for weather types in NDFD can be found in Section 2 of the GRIB encoding details at

Q. Why do weather types appear in the grids that are not defined in the GRIB documentation?
A. Local Weather Forecast Offices sometimes employ special weather types for their own local purposes.

Q. How can I find out about upcoming technical workshops concerning NDFD?
A. Check the NDFD general information page.

Q. How much does it cost to obtain NDFD forecasts?
A. NDFD is open to all and the data is freely available via the Internet.

Q. When will Marine forecast grids become available in NDFD?
We plan to begin to provide additional marine elements in the NDFD such as experimental forecast grids of visibility, swell height and direction in 2005.

Q. When will forecasts for Alaska and Hawaii become available in the NDFD?
A. The goal is to provide forecasts from Hawaii and Guam beginning in October 2004, and from Alaska beginning in June 2005.

Q. How can I access a forecast for a specific date and location?
A. NDFD graphical forecasts are posted on the web. You can access the latest NWS text forecasts for any point along a route by clicking down to the local forecast office web pages from these graphics of the national scale forecasts.

Q. Why are the graphical forecasts on the national, regional, and state graphics on sometimes inconsistent with those available on the local forecast office web pages?
A. In general, graphics produced by local forecast offices are not updated as frequently as the NDFD forecast graphics. The forecast currency link near the bottom of the NDFD graphics pages indicates how long it has been since any particular WFO has provided an update to NDFD

Q.  How can I convert the NDFD girds from GRIB2 format to GIS files?
A.  The DEGRIB [link to] tool developed by the Meteorological Development Laboratory provides a driver with the capability to convert the GRIB2 data to a file format that can be used with Geographical Information System (GIS) software.

If you have a question that is not answered here, please contact us.

National Weather Service
Office of Climate, Weather, and Water Services
Design by Rick Leach
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Last modified: October 7, 2004

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