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National Digital Forecast Database Information


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NDFD Presentations

Partners' Workshop: June 2004: At the NWS biannual meeting with customers and partners, a status update on progress as well as future plans for Digital Services was provided. future plans for Digital Services.

  • What’s now available in NDFD, Bob Bunge, Allan Darling, David Ruth, Arthur Taylor:rppt
  • Summary of Customer Feedback on NDFD Products, ppt
  • Digital Services Operations Concept, ppt
  • Digital Service Panel, Glenn Austin, Lynn Maximuk, Mike Tomlinson, Ken Waters:sppt

Partners' Workshop September 2003

  • IFP/Conceptual Overview:  Mike Tomlinson:  ppt

Technical Workshop: August 2003

  • NWS Digital Forecasting: Opportunities for Our Partners: Greg Mandt: wpd
  • DFD Conceptual Overview, Dave Ruth: ppt
  • NDFD Data Flow, Format and Statistics: Tim Boyer: ppt
  • NDFD Dissemination Services: Allan Darling: ppt
  • Tools to Access the NDFD: Arthur Taylor: ppt
  • NDFD Web Services: Robert Bunge: ppt

AMS Short Course: February 2003

  • NWS Goes Digital--Course Outline: pdf
  • IFPS and NDFD Concept Overview: David Ruth: ppt, pdf
  • IFP Operations Concept: Michael Tomlinson: ppt, pdf
  • New Products Policy: Esther Atkins: ppt, pdf
  • NDFD Product Format: Bob Glahn: shw, pdf
  • NDFD Product Access Plans: Robert Bunge: ppt, pdf
  • NWS Vision for Digital Forecasting: Greg Mandt:ppt, pdf
  • Vision for Marine and Coastal Services Digital Products: Jamie Vavra: ppt, pdf
  • Vision for Fire Weather and Public Services Digital Products: Doug Young: ppt, pdf
  • Vision for Aviation Services Digital Products: Jack May: ppt
  • Public-Private Partnerships in the Provision of Weather and Climate Services: Edward Johnson: ppt, pdf

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Last modified: August 30, 2004

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