Coast Guard
Law Enforcement Jobs

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Law Enforcement Work

The basic element of the Coast Guard's Operational Law enforcement effort is the boarding team.  This team is made up of members of a station's or cutter's crew that is specially trained and qualified to conduct boardings of vessels at sea.

The boarding team is led by a Boarding Officer (BO).  A BO is the individual in charge of the team with law enforcement authority.   Some teams may also have an Assistant Boarding Officer (ABO).  The remaining members of the team is made up of Boarding Team Members (BTM).  All Coast Guard boarding teams are armed, uniformed, federal law enforcement officers.  The assignment of BO's, ABO's and BTM's are based on competence, experience, and ability.   It is possible to have an ABO or BTM who out ranks the BO, but during the course of the boarding will be subordinate to them.  The boarding process is described here.

Units that routinely conduct law enforcement (Stations, White Hulled Cutters) each have boarding teams, composed of members of their crew.   When a crew member has met the qualifications and completed the training, they can join the unit's boarding team.  Boarding teams can be made up of various combinations of personnel: Deck Watch Officers, mechanics, cooks, etc.  When the boarding team is not conducting a law enforcement boarding (or patrol for station boats), they return to their normal duties at the unit.

The Coast Guard does have Tactical Law Enforcement Teams who job is to conduct boardings while embarked on U.S. Navy Ships.  These teams are made up of Coast Guard personnel with Coast Guard Boarding team experience.

Boarding Team Qualifications

Boarding Teams and Boarding Officer positions are usually open to Officers and Petty Officers at units that conduct law enforcement.   Nonrated personnel (E-3 and below) may also participate in boardings as boat crew or security.  Selection to the team is not guaranteed, but based on the needs of the unit, training availability, etc.

All members of a boarding team must do the following:

Plain Clothes Work

Coast Guard military personnel on boarding teams always wear uniforms when conducting boardings.  Plain clothes operations may be conducted by the Coast Guard Investigative Service.

How to get on a Team

Getting a position on a boarding team takes place after several major steps, the first being enlistment or commissioning in the Coast Guard.   Then you must be assigned to a unit that conducts law enforcement.

The Office of Law Enforcement does not conduct hiring or provide input to the recruiters as to who would be a better prospect for a law enforcement job.  Information on both enlisted and officer job opportunities are located at or Call 1-800-GET-USCG (1-800-438-8724).

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Law Enforcement Job Information

Updated on 05/10/2001