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Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data (JPCRD)

Volume 30, 1-6

The following is a listing of articles and abbreviated abstracts published from Volume 25-1 through Volume 30-6 of the JPCRD and the announcement of the Fourth Edition of the JANAF Thermochemical Tables published as a monograph. Also listed are additional articles which have completed the review process. These latter articles are ready for typesetting and will be assigned to a specific issue at a later time. Monographs and Supplements to the Journal, which are articles too lengthy for a typical issue, are published separately. A listing of all monographs and supplements is provided.


NIST-JANAF Thermochemical Tables, Fourth edition

JPCRD - Vol. 31, 2002
JPCRD - Vol. 30, 2001
JPCRD - Vol. 29, 2000
JPCRD - Vol. 28, 1999
JPCRD - Vol. 27, 1998
JPCRD - Vol. 26, 1997
JPCRD - Vol. 25, 1996

Volume 30, No. 6, 2001 - PDF Version

Volume 30, No. 5, 2001 - PDF Version

Volume 30, No. 4, 2001

IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series. 75. Nonmetals in Liquidf Alkali Metals
Hans Ulrich Borgestedt and Cezary Guminski

All available solubility data of nonmetallic elements and some of their compounds in the five liquid alkali metal solvents (Li, Na, K, Rb, and Cs) are collected and compiled. Orginal publications with reliable data and information on the methods used to generate them are reported in individual Compilations. Evaluated solubility data are tabulated at the end of the Critical Evaluations: if there is agreement of at least two independent studies within the experimental error, the solubility values are recommended. Schematic phase diagrams are presented in systems for which they assist in the understanding of the data and the conclusions.

Volume 30, No.3, 2001

Atomic Weights of the Elements 1999
T. B. Coplen

The biennial review of atomic weight determinations and other cognate data have resulted in changes for the standard atomic weights of seven elements (N, S, Cl, Ge, Xe, Er, and U). Presented are updated tables of the standard atomic weights and their uncertainties estimated by combining experimental uncertainties and terrestrial variabilities. In addition, this report contains an updated table of atomic mass values and half-lives of selected radioisotopes. Some recent data on parent nuclides that might affect isotopic abundances or atomic-weight values are included.

A Review of Recent Experiments and Calculations Relevant to the Kinetics of the HF

Gerald C. Manke II and Gordon D. Hager

A review of rate coefficients relevant to HF laser kinetic modeling is presented. The literature has been surveyed from the last published review in 1983 to the present. Updated Einstein emission coefficients are tabulated. A list of recommended temperature dependent expressions for critical reaction rate coefficients is given.

Experimental Energy Levels of the Water Molecule
Jonathan Tennyson, Nikolai F. Zobov, Ross Williamson, Oleg L. Polyansky, and Peter F. Bernath

Experimentally derived energy levels are presented for 12248 vibration-rotation states of the H2160 isotopomer of water, more than doubling the number in previous, disparate, compilations. These levels span 107 vibrational states, including members of all polyads up to and including 8v. Band origins, in some cases estimates, are presented for 101 vibrational modes.

Volume 30, No. 2, 2001

Electron Interactions With CC4F8
L. G. Christophorou and J K.Olthoft

The limited electron collision cross-section and transport-coefficient data for the plasma processing gas penfluorocyclobutane (c-C4F8) are synthesized, assessed, and discussed. These include cross sections for total electron scattering, differential elastic electron scattering, partial and total ionization, dissociation into neutral fragments, and electron attachment, as well as data on electron transport, ionization, and attachment coefficients.

NIST-JANAF Thermochemical Tables. I. Ten Organic Molecules Related to Atmospheric Chemistry
Olga Dorofeeva, Vladimir P. Novikov, and David B. Neumann

The structural, spectroscopic, and thermodynamic properties of ten gas phase organic molecules related to atmospheric chemistry, including three peroxides and four carboxylic acids, have been reviewed. The calculation of the thermochemical tables involved the critical evaluation of new spectroscopic data, enthalpy of formation determinations, and the use of recent internal rotation data.

Equations of State for Cu, Ag, and Au for Wide Ranges in Temperature and Pressure up to 500 GPa and Above
W. B. Holzapfel, M. Hadwig, and W. Sievers

A critical analysis of previous shock wave data, taking into account more recent ultrasonic data, gives new constraints both on the isotherms and the values of the Gruneisen parameters used in the previous evaluations. Within a new framework, previous discrepancies between shock wave and static data concerning the equation of state for various reference materials (Cu, Ag, Au) are resolved, the corresponding pressure scale is refined, and the uncertainties in this scale are estimated.

IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series. 74. Actinide Carbonates and Carbon-Containing Compounds
Jiri Hala

This volume presents solubility data of the carbonates, salts of carboxylic acids, and other carbon-containing compounds of actinides. Covered are compounds of thorium, uranium, neptunium, plutonium, americium, and one system for curium. No solubility data on carbonates or other carbon containing compounds have been found for other actinide elements. The literature has been covered up to the end of 1999, and there was a great effort to have the literature survey as complete as possible. Only those published results that report meaningful data were considered for the volume. Papers that reported qualitative results with statements like "sparingly soluble" or "insoluble," etc., were not considered. In addition to papers that published numerical data, some papers that presented data in graphical form only were considered as well. They were considered for the volume either if no other data were available for the system, if the data were published in difficult to obtain older literature, or if the data were considered to be of importance for other reasons. For many compounds it was not possible to provide the Chemical Abstracts Registry Numbers since these have not yet been assigned. For this reason, the Registry Number index is complete.

Volume 30, No.1, 2001

IUPAC-NIST Solubility Data Series. 73. Metal and Ammonium Formate Systems

Christo Balarew, Thedford P. Dirkse, Oleg Golubchikov, Mark Salomon, Stoyanka Trendafilova, Stefka Tepavitcharova, Tatiana Ageyeva, Primo Baldini, and Guillo D'Andrea

This volume reviews the metal and ammonium formate solubility data in aqueous and nonaqueous solutions as well as alkali formate melts published up to 1995. So far as the editors are aware, all the solubility data published during this period have been reviewed. Preference has been given to data published in numerical form. Data that appeared only in graphical form may not appear in this volume. In each section the metal atoms are arranged in the order (group) in which they appear in the Periodic Table. The data are presented in originally reported units, mass %, and mol/kg H20.

Thermochemical Properties of Si2F6 and SiF4 in Gas and Condensed Phases

John L. Lyman and Tetsufi Noda

The available data for determining the thermochemical parameters for SI2F6 and SiF4 has been assembled. With this information, the thermochemical functions for SI2F6 and SiF4 have been calculated as ideal gases in the harmonic oscillator approximation. In addition, the thermochemical parameters for Si2F6 in the solid phase and SiF4 in both the solid and liquid phases have been calculated. The effect of anharmonicity on the thermochemical properties for SiF4 was investigated.

Factors Affecting Sorption of Organic Compounds in Natural Sorbent/Water Systems and
Sorption Coefficients for Selected Pollutants. A Review

Alessandro Delle Site

Factors affecting the sorption of organic pollutants by natural sorbents and sorption coefficients for selected pollutants are reviewed on the basis of the literature results and interpretations, with 681 references exam­ined. The most significant aspects of the sorption process are discussed. The experimental and prediction methods adopted for the determination and estimation of the sorption coefficients are described.

Erratum:  "Heat Capacity of Liquids. Critical Review and Recommended Values. Volumes I
and II." [J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Monograph No.6 (1996)]

M. Zabransky, V Ruzicka, Jr., V Majer; and E. S. Domalski

JPCRD Supplement & Monographs

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